⇠Trust Fall⇢

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Link led the other male through the village, waving at the citizens as their face's lit up upon seeing the hero. Link stopped at a few shops, upgrading his armor for the weather as well as some supplies for their travels. Sidon grew more irritated as time passed, he was more than happy to follow the hero, but not being able to see was both frightening as well as annoying. The taller male inhaled and exhaled deeply, mentally planning how he was going to get back at the hero. "Link what are we doing?" Sidon asked.

"Getting supplies for our trip," The other answered.

"I understand that, but why am I blindfolded?" The Shark asked again.

"I already told you back at the hotel, I have a surprise for you." The blonde responded.

"I understand that, but why do I have to be blindfolded for this portion? Why can't I just put the blindfold back on afterward?" Sidon asked.

Link was quiet for a long moment, "Because I want to know how much you trust me." He finally answered.

"You know how much I trust you, Link," The prince said.

"The prove it, keep the blindfold on all day." The blonde challenged with a large grin.

Sidon let out a short sigh and nodded his head as Link took his hand again and walked him deeper into the hamlet. He then escorted the other out of town, leaving the larger male outside the motel before dropping off the goods. Sidon followed quietly for what seemed like hours until Link ripped the blindfold off. The taller male blinked the black dots across his vision, wiping his eyes for a minute before gazing down.

"Surprise!" Waving his hands towards the small blanket and lunch in front of him.

"You kept me blindfolded all day for lunch?" Sidon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not simply lunch," The blonde responded by sitting on the blanket and patting the place next to him.

Sidon's gaze dropped to the blanket, then back to the hero, before rolling his eyes and settling down beside him. Link offered the man a drink and a sandwich while leaning on his shoulder. "I brought you here for the scenery as well. From here, you can view Zora's kingdom." He remarked while pointing to the horizon.

Sidon sighed, the kingdom looked so far away, it was hard for the Zora to believe that he's only been gone for three days and he was already so far away from home. He wondered what his father was up to, or what the kingdom was up to for that matter, were they okay without him? Or was he better off without him? Shoveling the sandwich into his mouth quickly, then taking a few sips of his drink, Sidon spoke. "Sorry for snapping at you..." He trailed off.

Link chuckled softly, "I understand, you haven't been home for three days." He spoke.

"How did you cope when you were fighting Ganon?" The prince asked.

For a long time, the blonde remained quiet, only humming. "Since I didn't have any memories, it wasn't too difficult; it was afterward that I started getting them back. Hyrule Castle was my home, and I had been Zelda's guardian for so long that I honestly didn't know what to say when she told me I was retiring." The hero elaborated.

"There's always a position in the royal guard for you, Link; I know how difficult it is for warriors to return to regular life after fighting their entire lives." He spoke quietly.

"I don't think your father would appreciate it, especially since we're together now." Link answered.

"What they don't know won't hurt them, I think they'll be more surprised with my sudden weight than anything," Sidon commented, poking the small muffin top.

The blonde hero blushed slightly, "Why did you tell me you'd rather be friends that night?" He asked.

The shark rubbed the back of his head, looking away quickly. "I don't remember that night, all I remember is drinking and partying with you." He lied.

Without saying anything further, the duo sat and ate, while Link leaned back and watched the sun slowly drop beyond the horizon, shortly after which the stars dotted the sky. "Do you remember us kissing?" Link quizzed.

"Y-Yeah, I remember you rubbing my stomach and feeding me too," Sidon said cautiously.

"Does it weird you out that I want to make you bigger?" The blonde questioned.

The shark shrugged, "I mean, I don't understand your fascination with it. And I would love to learn more about why you are." He answered.

"You and your political responses," The blonde chuckled, throwing back their head.

"H-Have you thought about it before?" Sidon stammered.

"I don't know, I guess I didn't have time before to get lost in my thoughts. But I know my heart has always been with you from the beginning. Back at the party is when I realized I wanted to feed you and make you bigger though." The hero responded.

The prince leaned back letting out a hum, nodding his head. "I will admit, it's not the worst thing to have happened to me." He stated. "I wouldn't mind keeping an open mind and keep trying it out." He added.

"What about your father? Your kingdom?" Link asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Have you seen my father? He's huge, and the citizens worship him like a god." The shark laughed, gabbing another sandwich.

"Hey, that's mine!" The hero shouted, pouting slightly.

"Should have been quicker than busting your chops." Sidon teased, taking a large bite.

"Maybe if I make you a pig you'll be worshiped too." The blonde joked, folding his arms over his chest.

"As long as you stay my by side," The other said entangling his fingers with Link's.

"Wouldn't leave it for anything, my heart and body are yours, my king." The blonde hero said, placing a hand on his chest and bowing slightly. 

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