something new

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Margo's POV

It felt good to tempt Billy but it's getting harder. The past few days I've been winking at him, throwing little love notes and even flirting with him. I've tried to dodge him every chance I could. I realized it was fun for a bit but today I really saw him. I believe him officially, he wants something real. He really does want me the way I want him.


The lunch bell was about to ring. I got out of study hall early, just slipped out of the class. My headphones were still on as I made my way to my locker. I opened my locker and put up all of my books. I finally decided to take off my headphones and leave them in my locker for lunch. As the music disappeared from my ears I heard faint whispering coming from the corner of the hall. I couldn't help but hear.

"What the fuck is up with Billy lately?" Some blonde asks a brunette.
"Seriously, I mean he ditches you, he won't even speak to me and he goes on and on about some other girl Danny. I don't even know a girl named Danny." The brunette says and I chuckle. I cover my mouth quickly. Just in case they heard me I throw my headphones back on and act like I was listening to music. I walked past them, as if I ignored them.
"Maybe he's gay." The blonde gasps and I smile and shake my head as I walk away.


All he does is talk about me? I kept questioning myself. I sat at my normal gangs table, eddie hasn't shown yet but I saw him earlier. Who know what eddies doing anyways. I couldn't get Billy out of my head, now more than ever. I stopped zoning out and gazed over at Billy's normal table. He was away from his regular friends, on his own. We connected eyes for a moment, I made sure to show him my smile. I smiled seeing him alone, not just because he noticed me too. I know he doesn't really like his friends, it's clear they're not true friends. He just hangs with them for popularity and less boredom, I can tell. There was too much noise coming out of the boys in front of me so I decided to change my location. I moved myself and my tray over to an empty back table. I looked back at Billy who was curiously watching me. I nudged my head over, hinting for him to come sit next to me. He nodded and grabbed his tray, making his way towards me. He sat right beside me, out of all this table he's directly next to me. He will always make me smile and blush, no matter what.
"Danny." He greeted me and I gave him a toothy grin. There is going to be a long journey before us. This is only the start.

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