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It's been five days since the group set out. The group was tired but pushing on. The sun was being harsh on Stella's skin. The bridge is in the distance.

Luke checks the map, Nick and Rebecca sit down on some rocks, and Stella sits down next to Rebecca, the two had been getting closer these past five days.

Clementine lays on her stomach on top of a rock and uses a pair of binoculars to see if she can find something.

Luke: See anything?

Alvin: She better see somethin'. We've been walkin' for a damn week.

Carlos: We've got to find some shelter.

Alvin: Here, eat this, Bec.

Rebecca: But we're almost out of food. We gotta save it.

Alvin: We need to keep your strength up, baby.

Clementine: There's the bridge.

Luke: And does it look passable?

Clementine: I think so.

Luke: Good.

Clementine: There's a little house by the bridge.

Carlos: How big is it?

Clementine: It's pretty small. (She looks some more.) There's a lift or something.

Luke: Chair lift? Must be that ski resort.

Clementine: I've never been skiing.

Stella: I went once. I was like five though so I don't remember much.

Alvin: Bec and I went once.

Rebecca: It wasn't pretty.

Clementine: (she looks some more) There's a building on the mountain.

Luke: What it's look like?

Clementine: It's big.

Luke: That sounds like a good place to spend the night.

Clem puts her binoculars away and hops down from the rock.

Carlos: We have to cross that bridge. Let's go.

Luke: Hold on, now. We can't all go sprinting across that thing, okay? If we get spotted out there, we're gonna be trapped.

Carlos: Going around that lake will take too long.

Luke: Right, but... look, we've got no idea who's out there. Okay, I'm gonna sneak across and make sure it's clear before we bring the whole group over.

Carlos: You think splitting up the group is a good idea?

Luke: I never said it was a good idea. But it's better than risking everyone at once.

Alvin: What's your plan?

Luke: Clem, Ella and I can scoot across low and slow and make sure nobody's waitin' for us on the other side.

Stella: Luke, if rather stay here with Rebecca. If that's ok.

Luke: Of course.

Alvin: We'll have a tough time coverin' you from back here.

Luke: Well, we'll just turn back if it gets hairy.

Carlos: Clementine should also stay here. She's...

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