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Nikita witnessed her friends rise from their seats one by one, migrating to another table, leaving her alone. A sense of nausea and confusion overwhelmed her so she quickly forced herself out of the cafeteria and into the nearest bathroom where she threw up.

It felt like she was in a nightmare but that was only the beginning. Her peers ignored her, wearing expressions of disappointment which didn't make sense to her. Even if everyone had read her diary it wasn't like she wrote about anyone else aside from her friends.

The teachers seemed to have taken notice and whether or not they were disappointed in her, the warm smiles they once willingly gave her seemed like a thing of the past. Nikita found notes in her locker everyday from different people expressing their disappointment and sometimes calling her names.

Unfazed by the opinions of others, Nikita focused on reconciling with her friends. Yet, her attempts at apologies and explanations fell on deaf ears and nobody seemed interested in hearing her out. The damage had been done and nothing could be said to lessen the impact of the situation.The diary's revelations had forever altered their perception of her, and her isolation only grew.

Nikita sought refuge in her academics, channelling her energy into studying and debate preparation. The void left by her shattered friendships led her to explore new hobbies like reading and drawing, yet joining clubs proved fruitless. The book and art clubs exuded unwelcoming vibes, pushing her to withdraw from these social endeavours when crying herself every night became too much.

Her dorm room wasn't any better because it felt suffocating. Thandi, despite occasional attempts at conversation, mirrored the detachment displayed by the others whenever her twin was present in the room. She hated the pitying looks Thandi threw her. Even her dormitory, once a place of solace, turned stifling.

The term was not off to a great start and as weeks passed, the hostility toward Nikita seemed to escalate each passing day.

Her breaking point came a week before the term's first debate competition when Miss Davina, the debate coach and English teacher, told Nikita that she would have to sit out the first competition. "I'm truly sorry to have to do this but every time we meet to practise for debate I don't feel the connection between you and your team mates anymore." Miss Davina shook her head as if truly understanding how horrible it was for her.

"It's awkward and although I should have addressed this sooner, I'm afraid it's far too late to do much. Amina will take your place and we can figure something out after this competition."

"Yes I understand, I'll take my leave now."

"Nikita?" Miss Davina said as Nikita turned to leave.

"You can stay and watch the team practice today if you want."

"Thank you but I'll have to decline. Good luck to the team," Nikita said as she walked out the door only to bump into Haruki.

From the look on his face, it was clear that he heard everything. He opened his mouth as if to say something and Nikita held her breath with excitement. It would be the first time they talked in a month but that excitement quickly died when he nodded his head as if acknowledging her before he side stepped her and entered the office.

It had been her dream to be a lawyer just like her mother and to do that, she needed to attend the best law school in the world and having debate on her application would tick all her requirements boxes.

After being kicked out of the team, she began withdrawing into herself. She no longer tried to fit in with the other students, she stopped trying to make amends and instead started spending all her waking hours studying until she was nearly on the edge of having a burn out.

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