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The second term of 11th grade commenced at St. Lochwood, shrouded in the warmth of the morning sun gracing the Scottish landscape. Tension and anxiety lingered among the students, a residue from the unsettling events of the previous term.

A body was found last term in the lake behind the school on the last day of school and the students were petrified. It put everyone on edge and so the previous night the head girl and head boy held a meeting to discuss the body that had been found. Everyone had tensed at that and it almost caused a panic but fortunately, there was a way to avoid it. Sort of.

The body belonged to Tayamika, an 8th grader known for her preference for solitude going as far as bluntly ignoring anyone who tried to get close. The incident prompted a directive for students to stick together because it seemed easier to go after those who were always alone. It wasn't a convenient plan but it was the best they could do.

Most of the students at St.Lochwood came from rich and distinguished families in the world and St.Lochwood was the plan that created connections and built character. Who would ever guess that one of the most prestigious schools in the world was a kidnappers wet dream? Sure it had some of the richest kids but with that kind of money you'd expect top notch security.

Everyone had to pretend like everything was normal and so classes began with an air of forced normalcy, masking the underlying fear that gripped the students. The first class for Nikita that morning was History, taught by the enigmatic Professor Eon. He was known around the world for his love of ancient history and his grand display of awards. Nikita as well as her classmates found themselves captivated by his passionate story telling and every single person in the room hung on to his words.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Professor Fergus who taught Physics at the school. Majority of the students found his classes slow and rather dull except for Daniel of course. He enjoyed physics and somehow always managed to intertwine physics concepts with basketball analogies every time he spoke in class.

As the day progressed, the students got back to their usual first day of classes routine and they relaxed a little. Some hadn't seen their friends during the holidays and the excitement began to build up around the school. Each one eager to share their experiences. Nikita was glad to see her friends again and even though she spent the majority of the holiday with Isla, being with the group always brought her a sense of warmth.

At lunch time, Daniel and Isla were at each other's throats again. Just as they always were. "It's the first day of school, I don't know what you two could possibly be fighting about," remarked Haruki behind his copy of 'I Am Legend by Richard Matheson.'

"It's not my fault he can't stay out of my business," Isla said as she pokes Daniel in the chest.

"Oh come on! It's literally the first day of school and instead of catching up or planning the term around our schedules, you want to gossip. You have plenty of time for that!" Daniel replied.

"It's not gossiping, I'm just filling you guys up with what's happening in school,"

"That's a stupid excuse and you know it."

"You don't hear me bringing up basketball all the time," Isla scoffed.

"That's different! And I only said my term would be hectic because I have tournaments to prepare for."

"How is what you're talking about any different?"

Daniel was baffled and made a funny face. Looking like he would explode anytime soon.

"Daniel is right Isla. We have plenty of time to listen to what everyone in school is up to but I personally want to listen to what everyone was up to last holiday," Lily cut in before Daniel could get another word in.

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