Chapter 3 Guilt:

Comincia dall'inizio

Jacob and Rodey wasn't in the house,

"Call the police, we'll search around town and see what we can find." Daniel told Sophia and Gracey before they headed out the door in a big hurry.

Neither of them wanted to know the worst thing that could have happened to Rodey and Jacob.

Central Park, New york: 3:00 pm

Central Park, one of the most popular spots for tired workers, picnickers, and kids to play in the whole city. The only place that connected the people of the city with the country and more natural life. Sitting in a park bench was Jacob and Rodey and his pet rats. He was too upset to do anything.

Tearing the picture of his sister apart and setting it on fire on the stove didn't help much, although Rodey throwing half the pictures of Sophie on the stove was Totally Awesome. The flames were massive but never seemed to touch anything else, it didn't make the pain go away. He supposed going to the park wasn't his best idea. Seeing happy dads spending time with their sons playing ball didn't help his situation much. As long as he closed his eyes and closed off the outside world it was nice though. It gave him time to think. "He was jealous. He was a good kid, why couldn't he get some time to play with his dad? Just the two of them... but no, his sister always has to hog everything.

"Hey look, it's the mutant, and the freak." He heard somebody call out a little ways away.

"Oh no..." Jacob groaned as he looked to the source of the voice and saw a gang of boys coming over towards him. All of them were his age. Their names were Butch, Gerald, Harold, and Stretch. Jacob knew them for two reasons. One, they were in the same class as he was and Two, they loved to pick on him and Rodey.

"You know little boys like you two shouldn't be in the park all by themselves." Sneered Butch. He was the gang leader, specialising in hitting and punching, nobody in Jacob's class has had the guts to stand up to him. He was bigger and tougher than they were so he always tended to get away with whatever he wanted.

"Yeah mutant." Snickered Stretch. Stretch was the goofball and comedy relief guy in the gang. Nobody really even knew why he was part of the gang. Skinny, pale, and buck-toothed did not an intimidating figure make...

Gerald and Harold were both brothers, they were the hit and run specialists. They loved picking on other kids and stealing their stuff. Like money and lunch, they always get away with it too. And don't even get Jacob started on the name calling...

"Yeah, you know this is our territory." Harold said.

"The park belongs to everybody" Rodey corrected. Glancing around Jacob calculated the odds didn't look good, he was surrounded. He had an escape plan ready if it came to that though.

"'Everyone' doesn't involve the likes of you." Butch said as he grabbed Jacob and hoisted him up in the air like he weighed less than a feather.

"Pay us five bucks and we let you leave with your face intact." Gerald bargained as harrold grabbed Rodey.

"I don't have any money." Jacob said calmly. His plan of jumping off the back of the bench and over them before sprinting towards the nearest group of people went flying out the window when Butch latched onto him.

An evil smile spread through Butch's face, "Then this won't hurt a bit... just a lot!" He called, ready to punch him square in the nose.

"Hope your mom knows a good doctor." Stretch snickered.

Suddenly a shadow loomed over Butch.

"Hey is it getting cloudy ou-OW!" Harold's voice trailed off as he felt his arms get bitten.

"AH-AAH, GET THEM OFF!" Harold yelled, the eight rats swarming him. Gerald charged at Rodey and tackled him "tell your pests to get off my brother!" he yelled as he punched Rodey in the eye. Rodey grabbed Gerald by the bottom jaw and slammed his head into the ground getting Gerald off him, by this time Stretch was freaking out and the rats were starting to move at butch.

Stretch began to poke Butch, "Butch... Butch, w-we have to get out of here." he stuttered in fear. "Why? We're just getting started." Butch answered, not bothering to look behind him, too focused on terrorising Jacob.

"Rodey just took out the twins." Stammered Gerald.

"What are blabbering about, like the freak can fight." said Butch in annoyance. All he wanted to do was hit the freak. Was that so much to ask?

"The rats are coming." Gerald said, his face getting paler.

"Rats? Have you lost your mind?" Butch yelled angrily and looked at Gerald. Gerald simply pointed behind him.

Looking behind they freaked out at the sight of the seven rats coming at him, " RATS!" They screamed. Letting go of Jacob they ran away as fast as they could. Jacob opened his eyes, wondering what was going on. There he came face to face with his brother's pets.

Seeing he was okay his brother rushed over to help him up.

Jacob looked at his brother. Tilting his head to the side he looked down at the rats climbing his brother, "how'd you train them to do that?" he asked "I didn't" Rodey answered, "lets get home and get you some ice for your eye." He worriedly stated.

"JACOB, RODEY!" A shout interrupted his inspection of his brother's injuries. No sooner than he heard the shout that Daniel, Delta, and Ryan ran to the spot where standing was sitting.

"Jacob, Rodey... We were worried." Ryan said as he grabbed his sons, giving them a tight squeeze. "I'm fine, we'er fine." Jacob assured his dad as he tried to breathe.

"Don't you dare to pull a stunt like this again young man" Delta scolded.

"You both nearly gave us a heart attack." Daniel added.

"Sorry." Jacob muttered before Rodey added, "But what are you doing here dad? I thought you were too busy with Sophie to do anything." The last part was a little bit mean but Rodey was still mad about Sophie.

"True... but I felt sorry that I broke my promise. So I decided to pick you two up and take you both to play baseball, just us and the guys." Ryan offered.

"I don't feel like it, I just want to go home and get Rodey some ice for his eye." Jacob admitted, all three of them looked at Rodey in shock. They finally noticed.

"What happened!?" Ryan asked.

"Did you win?" Grandpa Delta asked.

"Yep." Jacob answered simply, walking in the direction of his home already.

"Okay, I'll drive you both home and you get patched up." Ryan said,Jacob and Rodey followed the rest of the guys back to the car. Ready for rest.

To be continued...

Bioshock: Big Brother Re-told storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora