Start from the beginning

Confused and still half awake Cinderella's mind was having trouble processing what was happening, her flight or fight mode having trouble deciding what to do. The man quickly picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder, that was when she finally reacted.

Cinderella screamed and thrashed around trying to alert anybody of what was happening. The man scoffed tightening his grip on her back more, crushing her fragile body, causing her screams to stop, as she tried to regain her breathing. The house was uncharacteristically silent with the exception of Cinderella's whimpering and silent sobs. She felt her body moving up and down, she must've been going down the stairs. How was no one seeing or even hearing her? Her step sisters were usually night owls which meant they should've been up by now.

The sound of the front door door opening made her sobs turn louder as she began thrashing around in the man's grip again despite the aching pain in her ribs.

Before the man could do something to Cinderella, someone impatiently clearing their throat caught both of their attentions, making the stranger stop in his tracks.

"What?" He spat at the person, who Cinderella could not see.

"The money." The voice spat back, the voice sounded familiar.

Cinderella stopped her squirming.

That was her step mother.

Cinderella was confused, thoughts racing in her mind as she was trying to process this all. Was her step mother part of this? Was she being sold off?

Was this the so called "gift" she was receiving?

She couldn't believe what was happening, after everything she did for them, this is how they repay her? She put up with their abusive nature for years after her father died, and still treated them with love and affection. She never did anything to wrong them, never raised her voice, never disobeyed, so, why? Why was this happening to her?

Cinderella snapped out of her trance as she was harshly thrown into something, she didn't even realize she left the house, not that it mattered.

She was most likely inside a carriage by how much she was rocking, she didn't care. She heard two people discussing something but it was muffled, she didn't care. Even as she was thrown back onto someone's shoulder and thrown again into some type of room, she didn't care.

Her sack was slipping off, she decided to shake it off her head to get a glance at her surroundings. Well, it wasn't much to look at, it looked like she was in a dirty jail-like room. In all honesty it looked more comfortable than her old bedroom, if you could even call it that. The only light source came from a window on the side of her, it wasn't much but at least it wasn't completely dark.

Cinderella whimpered, trying to hold in her tears but failing miserably as tears flowed down her face, she was finally taking in everything that was happened. Eventually she cried herself to sleep, curling into a small ball, her hands still uncomfortably tied behind her.


The sound of screaming and yelling snapped her awake, she looked up from her spot, the smell of blood instantly entering her nostrils, she grimaced.

The yelling and screaming eventually stopped, it was quiet too quiet. Cinderella got nervous, was she next?

If she thinks about it, maybe dying would be best. It wasn't like anyone would care or miss her if she were gone. Seeing how her family completely abandoned her without a second thought, she had nothing to live for. She could see her father again.

Slow footsteps were heard, getting louder and louder, it was nearing her room. They eventually stopped and Cinderella could see the silhouette of tall man, his red eyes piercing into her blue ones. She couldn't even see him but just his presence was making her nervous, neither of them were breaking eye contact with each other.

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