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Cinderella wiped the sweat off her forehead, breathing heavy, as she finally finished the majority of the chores. All she had to do now was clean up the attic, which was her bedroom, as well a "stress room" for her step-sisters, which always ended it leaving like a war zone. Sighing deeply she slumped on the living room sofa, taking a small breather.

She looked out the window noticing the sky turning a deep red and peach color, the clouds scattered in a mesmerizing way. Cinderella slapped herself out of the trance she was in, quickly sitting up and rushing into the kitchen. Her step mother and sisters were arriving back from their trip soon, she knew they were expecting dinner as soon as they came into the door.

She would prefer not to hear their complaints, not that she wasn't used to it she just wasn't in the right mindset at the moment to deal with them.

Once all the ingredients were set out, Cinderella quickly got to work, she didn't have much time.


As she was adding the finishing toppings, Cinderella heard the front door open, loud laughter and chatter entering the home. Quickly getting herself situated, she put on a smile, hoping it didn't look as fake as it felt. She stepped into the living room the chattering getting louder, as her step mother noticed Cinderella she quickly hushed her step sisters, looking towards Cinderella with an oddly genuine smile. It sent shivers down her spine but she brushed it off, maybe she was in a good mood.

"Welcome back, how was your outing?" Cinderella inquired with a soft voice.

Drizella spoke up, a proud smug look on her face, "It was great! You know we actually got something for you! You should be grateful we even thought of you.", she chuckled.

Cinderella's eyes lit up a bit, she was excited to see what they had for her. Just as she was about to ask what it was, Anastasia cut her off.

"Is dinner done? I'm hungry.." she grumbled rubbing her stomach as she made her way over to where Cinderella was. The rest of her family following suit.

They didn't even bother glancing at Cinderella as they walked into the kitchen, Drizella even purposely bumping into her. Her step mother was behind them, stopping in front of her, that eerily smile still on her face.

"You should rest dear, I'm sure you're exhausted." She spoke in a whisper, she was being nice, too nice it sent chills down Cinderella's spine.

"What about my g-"

"It will come soon." She cut her off with a harsh tone, "Now rest." before Cinderella could say anything else her step mother walked off into the kitchen sitting at the table with her daughters.

Cinderella found the whole situation odd but didn't question it. She slowly walked up the stairs up to the attic, once she stepped in she remembered how trashed it was but she was too tired to even clean up. She flopped onto her bed, sighing deeply as she relaxed into the sheets, staring up at the dusty ceiling. Her eyes were threatening to close, as she thought about the potential gift she was getting.

It most likely wasn't anything nice but it was the thought that counts, which put a smile on her face as she quickly drifted off to sleep.


Cinderella awoke to the sound of her door busting open, at first she didn't pay it any mind assuming it was Drizella coming to trash her room even further or Anastasia just coming to bother her because she was "bored". Heavy footsteps were approaching her bed, slowly opening her eyes, she noticed a man in dark clothing looming over her. Before she got a chance to do or say anything, he immediately put a sack bag over her head, as well tying her hands with some type of rope.

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