A Green Christmas

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(Three Years Ago)

You had never celebrated Christmas. While most families would spend it laughing and sharing gifts, you were forced to train and study like every other day of your life.

Your parents were cruel and strict. They didn't even allow you to celebrate your birthday. For years, it was nothing but training and studying, years of being controlled.

But now you are free, and you wanted to celebrate tomorrow's holiday with T.

Speaking of T, she found the idea of Christmas stupid and a waste of time. It was only one day before Christmas, and you were determined to make it one you would both remember. You were walking up the snow-covered street towards your home, bags in each of your hands. But there was one issue with your plan, and for once, it wasn't your fault.

 But there was one issue with your plan, and for once, it wasn't your fault

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(Not my Art)

"You certainly took your time," Fu said. She was sitting on the sofa reading a fashion magazine while sipping coffee from a cup that floated at her side. Fu has been living with you and T for almost a month now.

"Well, if someone told me we were out of coffee, I wouldn't have to walk all the way to the shop to get more."

There was a large attack on one of the city sections a while ago, and it left Fu without a home. At first, it didn't bother you that she was here, but since Fu was sleeping in the spare bedroom next to yours, you haven't had any 'fun' time with T.

'You're always too loud. We should wait until Fu leaves, It won't be that long.' You said when T wanted to rock the sheets.

'What a stupid idea that was, ' you thought as you put away the stuff you had just bought. Because of the attack, many people were left without a home. She could have stayed with one of her Blizzard friends, but T wanted her with you so she could keep an eye on her.

Tensions in the Tornado Household were running high. Fu was frustrated about sleeping in her sister's guest bedroom. You were going mad with dealing with both sisters. To make matters worse, T wouldn't let either of you out monster hunting, so you couldn't blow off any steam by fighting. It was fine the first few days, but you both started getting on each other's nerves after a week.

Speaking of T, while Fu was regularly frustrated, T was sexually frustrated. She had stopped cuddling up to you at night, "I don't want to risk you doing anything pervy that might wake up my sister."

If anyone was the pervert, it was her. Before Fu started staying with you, T would float around wearing nothing but her underwear and one of your shirts that looked oversized and baggy on her small body.

"Is this how you treat your guests?" Fu said with a huff.

You bite your tongue, knowing that if you said anything, it would lead to an argument. You all needed a way to destress, so you had to devise a plan.

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