Wedding Plans

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Everything felt strange and detached like you were floating in a pool of water. You couldn't feel anything, like someone flipped a switch in your brain, turning off all your sensations.

Your head felt foggy. You couldn't keep a thought for longer than a few seconds before it slipped from your mind. You looked down at yourself to find you were completely naked. 'At least I'm not back in boot camp'. '

You were floating above a giant mirror reflecting you, floating naked a few feet above it, and the grey sky behind you. Suddenly, you were no longer floating and fell into the wet ground.

All your senses came back instantly, and you forgot this was a dream. Everything felt real, the wet ground under your hands and the cold air on your bare ass. Getting to your feet, you looked around your endless surroundings; having nothing else to do, you decided to walk.

'You disgust me, ' a voice called out, breaking the silence and grabbing your attention. You looked around for the voice, but there wasn't anybody near you. Not even a fait figure in the distance, you were completely alone.

Until you looked down at your reflection.

You could see yourself staring back at you, but a figure loomed over your shoulder. Turning around, you saw that no one was there, but there was clearly something in the reflection. You couldn't distinguish who it was supposed to be until it spoke again.

'You were always a disappointment.' The voice was from your father; you heard him say the same thing the day you left home. Even here, he was still a piece of shit.

You tried to talk back to say something snarky and most likely highly inappropriate for a young audience, but nothing came out of your throat. Even screaming didn't produce so much as a whisper.

"I wish you were never born," another voice called out, and you saw your mother standing beside your father. You didn't bother responding since you couldn't, but you thought about a few comments you would like to say to them.

You didn't hate them, but you didn't love them either. There were pieces of your past that you knew were rotten, so you cut them out, and that was it. They meant nothing to you, and neither did their words.

More and more figures started appearing over the floor, each spitting insults at you, each one a person you knew or know. Some of your old army buddies, voices are becoming louder and louder and more toxic.

"You should just die. No one loves you.

You tried to cover your ears to muffle the sounds, but it was useless. The sound grew and grew until it was deafening and showed no signs of stopping.

Even Fu appeared, looking at you with revulsion. "I've always hated you; you're pathetic and weak. You are nothing but a waste of human filth."

And then you heard a small voice yell out among the crowd. "Idiot!"

All the other voices suddenly died, and only T's voice was there. You looked down, seeing your green love in the water. Her face was unmistakable. "T", you tried to yell, but your voice still wasn't coming out. Your head wasn't in the right place anymore, and you forgot this wasn't real.

When you saw T standing there, you lowered your guard. You hit the floor trying to get her attention and screamed silently, but it was useless.

"I hate you", She said, looking at you dead in the eyes. This was different from all the other times she had been mad at you in her loving way; there was real anger and hatred in her words and eyes.

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