An Opportunity (cont.)

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The simple silver band that Marinette always wore on her right middle finger ignited, and the flare of golden light that surged off of it spread over her hand, arm, and onto her body like a forest fire.  The ring was now a loop of gold with the shape of a beetle, its wings outstretched and legs splayed, resting on the top of her finger.  Its body was black and winking with the light that reflected off of it, and its opened shell glowed with an unnatural light in a deep and vibrant red.

As soon as Ladybug came into being, she had a message on her yoyo.  She pulled it up and heard a familiar, but frantic, voice.

"Hey, Birdie."  

Ladybug couldn't help but smile at the long evolution of her nickname.  What had once been "Hey, Ladybug..." became "My Lady..." which became "M'lady" which then lead to "I'm glad we had that conversation.  Now that I know your feelings, hmm, what do I want to say... I'll correct myself?" which meant "Hi, m'la-- uh, Ladybug" which caused "You know, I can't just call you 'Ladybug', that's so boring" meaning she got "How about Ladybird?  It's another name for ladybugs" which then became "Hey, Bird..." which then became "Birdie".  A wild ride, those past few months had been.

"If you're hearing this than you've probably already seen what's happening and are on your way.  I'm close to it now, and it's--" there was sound of dying buildings that made Ladybug's ears ache "--it's hot here.  Like, very hot.  There are fires in every building up and down this street.  I'll be seeing to putting them out, but I know the akuma is around, ah--" a cry of surprise, or possibly pain "--I'll have to go, but I know I'll see you soon!"

Ladybug closed the message.  The yoyo fell down between her fingers.  She tightened her grip on the cord.  Her muscles tensed.  She pulled back.  She felt the rush of wind against her face.  She felt the disorientation of having her body flung through the air.  The water of the river sloshed beneath her, and then rooftops made their own clattering, her feet barely touching the surface as her form flitted through Paris in the evening.

As she approached, the sound of mayhem and heat of fire only grew.  Two blocks from the street Cat must've been talking about, Ladybug was already hacking from the smoke and wiping her forehead free of sweat.  Her eyes burned like the buildings.  As she crested the slope of a roof and stepped around a chimney, her breath stopped.  She was looking at everything Cat had said, a street on fire.  

This had become standard fare in the last few weeks, but it didn't make the sight easier to bear.  It was as if Hawkmoth counted on Ladybug to fix everything.  His attacks had become more and more destructive, with more and more carnage to be mended once all was said and done.

Ladybug couldn't see her partner anywhere, but between the dark, cloudy sky and the searing flames, it was hard to make out anything.

"She's here!"  Standing on the railing of a terrace was a figure dressed in bright green.  With an easy jump, he cleared the street between them and landed on the rooftop Ladybug stood on.  He had a black breastplate over a loose green tunic and pants, cinched at the cuffs and waist.  His eyes were a deep green instead of his usual blue, as was his hair.

'Luka,' Ladybug thought.  'With the turtle miraculous.'  "Yes I'm here, Greenie.  Where's Cat Noir, and what's the situation here?"  She waved her hand around her.  "Apart from the obvious."

"Cat Noir is down at the end of street trying to get the civilians out of the area.  The police and Commisioner Raincomprix are already here.  I was tasked with using my shield to either protect civilians from the fire as Cat Noir gets to them, or to suffocate the fires by surrounding them in a shell."  

'Smart thinking, Cat.'  "Have you seen the akuma yet?"

Luka cast his eyes down.  "No.  Cat Noir and I were wondering if this isn't even the work of an akuma, or sentimonster."  Ladybug leaned forward and put a hand on his shoulder.

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