Chapter 13

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At the Forbidden Woods, Gilbert has gathered everything for the Power Spell but is unaware that it's not gonna be the Sanderson sisters showing up. He places the ingredients for the Power Spell on a made shift well. 

Gilbert: Head of a lover, witch's butter, Aralia berry juice and a petrified spider, I guess. Well, I did it. I'm not gonna die. 

Billy: Oh, they're still gonna kill you.

Gilbert: Mm. 

Gilbert looks at the black flame candle on the ground.  

Gilbert: Not if I kill them first. 

Gilbert picks up the candle and tries to blow it out but it doesn't go out.

(Author's note. The reason for the candle not going out is because during this time is still at the moment that Zack and Leon are fighting the Ghouls.)

Billy: That candle is what's keeping them alive. It won't go out
until the sun rises, you dolt.

Gilbert: Well, there's no need for name-calling.


Drake and the Ghoul who is holding onto Isabelle appeared in front of Gilbert and Billy.

Gilbert: Isabelle?

Isabelle: Gilbert?

Drake: Ah. You must be Gilbert the Great. And such impeccable timing. 

Gilbert: Uh, hi.

Drake: And the head of Winfield Sanderson's lover, Billy Butcherson.

Billy: We only shared one kiss and who in the world are you?!

Drake: Drake Phantom. The last of the revived Phantoms.

Both Gilbert and Billy are shocked that they are looking at the Last remaining Phantom that is still alive after 16 years.

Billy: So, thou Drake. You're the last Phantom that still alive.

Drake smiles.

Drake: That's right. And soon, I'll be the most powerful Phantom ever. Once I do the Magicae Maxima spell, nothing and no one can stop me. Not witches. Not Mages. Not Kamen Riders. And not even humans. 

Gilbert: Wait a minute. What happened to the Sanderson sisters? 

Drake: Probably dead along with Helena. That witch who gave Winifred the spell book was a fool to trust me. And she's probably dead and becoming my new Phantom companion. (Drake holds up the Spell Book) And soon, the world will belong to the Phantoms. 

Gilbert: But the spell also said that you need the blood of an enemy. (Gilbert points to Isabelle) I mean, she's not your enemy.

Drake: No, (Drake changes into his Phantom form) but she has my enemy's blood.

Drake takes out one of his Tyrant Swords and makes a cut on the back of Isabelle's left hand and her blood is seen on the blade. 

Isabelle: Ow!

Drake: Hurts, doesn't it?

Drake goes to dab a drop of Isabelle's blood into the made shift well.

Gilbert: Okay, well, looks like you've got everything you need, so I think you just maybe let her go, okay?

Drake changes back to human form.

Drake: Not happening. (Drake looks at the Ghoul holding Isabelle) Sit her by that rock as I chain her up.

The Ghoul takes Isabelle to the rock and Drake uses his Chain Ring magic to bind her.


Isabelle is now all chained up. Drake turns to Gilbert.

Drake: Now, thank you for your assistance, Gilbert. Now, you just stay where you are and don't try anything stupid if you value your life.

Hocus Pocus The Mage (Male Kamen Rider Wizard Reader X Sarah Sanderson)Where stories live. Discover now