Chapter 4

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The group are running the sidewalk of town while Zack is still in his Wizard Land Style form and holding the spell book after they escape the Sanderson sisters. Then they sees a cop who is on bike, so they except Zack thinks he'll help with this as they were about to run to him, Zack stops the group.

Max: Zack, why'd you stop us?

Zack: Wait here. I'll go talk to him. Just give me five minutes. Trust me. Here Max. Take the book.

Zack hands the spell book to Max and then goes to talk to officer as the others wait. Zack reaches the officer and talks to him. 

Zack: Hey! Having a good Halloween night so far?

"Officer": Definitely am but it's not over yet. 

Zack: What do you mean?

"Officer": Waiting for my woman so we can have some fun later on. 

Zack: Oh. Well then you and your gal have fun then. And Happy Halloween. Nice cop costume by the way.

"Officer": Thanks. Yours is awesome too and Happy Halloween.

Zack: Thanks.

Zack leaves and heads back to the others.

Max: So, what did you tell him, Zack? 

Zack: He's not a cop. 

They looked at him confused.

Dani: What?

Zack: Yeah. He's not a real cop. He's just a guy dressed up as a cop because it's Halloween. I had a feeling he wasn't a real cop. 

Allison: So that's why you told us to stay here. 

Zack: And almost wasted our time with a guy dressed up as a cop on Halloween.

Binx: Well. Now what?

Max: I'm taking Dani to find our parents.

Zack: Do you know where they're at? 

Max: Yeah. At a party. 

Binx: Well, let's go then.

Zack: Before we go, gonna do a little costume change. Stand back ladies and gentlemen. 

Zack then takes out a different transformation ring... Flame Dragon.

He switches his driver once again

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He switches his driver once again. Then place the ring on the driver.



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