Chapter 10

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Leon, Becca and Izzy got away from the two Sanderson sisters as Becca and Izzy were in shock that Leon is the son of Sarah Sanderson and Isabelle is her daughter too. They run back to the magic shop to get some answers from Gilbert of how he got his hands on a black flame candle while Leon was still in his Beast form as they opened the door.

Leon: Gilbert, where did you get that candle?!

Gilbert: Leon, is that you?

Leon: That doesn't matter! We need to get the book out of here before my aunts get here!

Leon goes grab the spell book and he sees it's awake as Becca screams.

Becca: The... The book is alive.

Gilbert: He woke up?

Everyone looks at Gilbert confused as he knew the spell book was alive. He runs to the book and unlocked it from its cage.

Gilbert: Hey, buddy.

Izzy: You guys know each other?

Gilbert grabbed the book.

Gilbert: Hey. Remember me? Yeah. It's Gilbert. Well, Gilbert the great because, I've earned the title now with... my knowledge of magical and the occult, but... Uh-Huh, yeah. Oh my goodness. This so incredible. I can't believe this.

Gilbert then opens the book as it shines a light, giving away its location.

Gilbert: I can't believe it worked.


Leon closes the book.

Leon: You idiot! Now they know where it's at!

Gilbert: What were they like?

Becca: No, what do you mean "it worked"?

Gilbert: Did they sing? Because, you know, they love to sing.

Izzy: Wait. You knew that was a black flame candle?

Gilbert: Look. I am so sorry I had to trick you... but I mean, I couldn't light the candle myself because it wouldn't work.

Izzy: Well, why not?

Leon: Because he's not a virgin.

Izzy: Oh. Ew.

Leon: Why would you do this? You know that they are evil.

Gilbert: Well, only because they had to be. You know, they were ahead of their time and they were misunderstood. Then the whole world was against them, but now, look, everyone loves them. Look at all this stuff.

Leon: That doesn't matter! They are still evil and thanks to you, my crazy aunts are back.

Gilbert: Wait. Aunts?

Then the door opens and it was Winifred and Mary as Leon grabbed Becca and Izzy to hide them.

Winnie: At last! Back to our squall and verminous abode. Home sweet home.

But they sees how clean the place is.

Mary: But, it no longer smells like death. Now its smells like...

Gilbert: Clean linen.

Winnie and Mary turned around to sees Gilbert and he was holding the spell book.

Gilbert: Yeah, we have a plug-in for that.

Winnie: Who are you?

Gilbert: Hi. I'm Gilbert the great and I am your biggest fan and isn't there supposed to be three of you?

Hocus Pocus The Mage (Male Kamen Rider Wizard Reader X Sarah Sanderson)Where stories live. Discover now