The other side is indifferent. Making Ten's friends a little grumpy.

-You can serve Blue. He has experience, Ten said out loud.

His words intentionally insulting that there is no way he is drinking such an expensive whiskey.

Then Ten's friend poured the blue label whiskey into a glass for Nan and Mac.

- But Mac, you probably drink branded drinks, right? Ten turned and told Mac, smiling.

-I never specify any particular brand. It's the same, Mac said with a grin, wanting to punch Ten in the face to see what it would look like.

- Then Mac must try it. It has a very good taste. Try it and you will be hooked. It tastes better than other Thai alcoholic drinks. It is very common.

Mac wanted to yell at Ten first.

Mac really should have been the one to stop Nan from getting into more trouble, but it turns out that Nan was the one who had to stop Mac from screaming. Because he is not happy with it.

-Try a drink, said Bom, a friend of Ten's.

"Give me some ice," Nan said, making Ten and his friend flinch.

The entire group of Ten laughed as if it was a problem.

-Hey, the truth is that you have to drink it straight from the rock, without ice, so it doesn't spoil the taste, but forget it, you've never drunk that.

Ake said jokingly. But there was a smile on his face as he shook his head.

-I didn't put it in whiskey. You guys usually drink it as usual, don't you? he asked.

- Yes, answered Ten.

Now many people at the table are different Mac turned to look at him curiously and wanted to know why he asked that.

-Dem Blue has always been a drink with refined taste. Did you ever know that if you take a sip of cold water or hold ice in your mouth for a while and then take a blue sip, you will taste its real taste?

-If you can drink Blue, that means you've already drunk Gold and Green, right? Nan asked.

-So why? Eke asked back.

- And just sipping the stone, is that normal?

Nan asked again and looked at the faces of other friends who then waved back after Nan laughed again

-Drinking greens is like On the Rock, but first pour some greens into a glass to taste and smell your ingredients. After that, add 1-2 ice cubes, you will see Fusil Oil whiskey oil and get a more intense flavor.

-As for the drinking gold, refrigerate it until it's very cold, then pour it into the ice cube, take a few sips and eat some chocolate. I guarantee you'll be hooked, Nan said and winked at the girl sitting next to her. Eke., making the girl blush until her face turns red.

Mac didn't think of that. Nan winked at the girl. Because Mac knows that Nan just wants to tease Tem's friends.

"If you don't believe me, try sucking some ice before you drink blue," said Nan.

His friend had different opinions and went to look for ice and tried to do as Nan said.

-Hmm, that's very good, said another friend of Ten's, admitting that Nan knew better.

Nan laughed softly.

-Why do you know that so well, Mac whispered softly .

- I have internet at my house, you know. Truth or joke he said nothing.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now