40 3 2

1. Daracka Volume: Head Hunt by HeideHunt

Review: Amazing grammar, your writing style is something I envy, and to add on that, I could picture the scene and the characters with the description - even on the small details. With your character's dialogue, try only ending with a comma instead of a full stop, when we talk, we don't stop and start, our speech flows so, it should be the same for a character speaking. A good start to the book, keep up the work.

2. The Eyes of Power by TheWordArtistBooks

Review: Oh after reading the first chapter, I wanted to continue reading the whole book, such a good introduction to your story. Your writing in the first-person view is really good. It was short and sweet, you told us what we needed to know without spoiling any important details. Good job.

3. Friends Don't Hide Bodies by IskippU

Review: Great job on opening the story in media res...I'm keen on learning how Ezra gets out of his psychopathic twin's troublesome maze. And as the supporting characters were introduced, I wasn't bogged down by the info dumps nor did I get lost in the group. I find myself on Ezra's side, which is really good.

4. Bear you In by lookinprettyGrim

Review: Interesting start to your book, I had a hard time following the pace of the story with your writing style. I'm not saying it's bad, but I say you should read more books in all sorts of genres and try to write a couple of sentences to improve your style. Grammar and spelling were good, but I do suggest getting an app/website called Grammarly, it will help you anywhere you feel needs improvement. Keep up your creative side.


First Position - Daracka Volume: Head Hunt by HeideHunt

Second Position - The Eyes of Power by TheWordArtistBooks

Third Position - Friends Don't Hide Bodies by IskippU


Thank you everyone for your cooperation and also a special thanks to LostBoyDance26 and RookWri78 for judging this genre!


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