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Rules for participants

✦ Follow heather_community, deviljooniefics and your judge(will be disclosed later). Also, you have to follow your host, in the section you will be participating in.

General Section- RookWri78

Warmth Section- LostBoyDance26

K-pop Section- totally_allyn

Poetry Section- praisy_143

Graphic Section- praisy_143

Let me make this very clear. All the participants have to follow 4 people. The first three people mentioned in the first rule are the same for all. But the 4th person, i.e., the host to be followed differs for participants. The host to be followed depends on the section one submits their form in.

✦ Add this book to your public reading list. Also, give a proper shout-out to this book on your message board(Don't forget to tag us correctly!)

✦You can enter a maximum of 4 books in four different genres under any section. For example, you can apply for science fiction (General Section), fantasy (General Section), romance (Warmth Section) and poetry (Poetry Section) . Also, you cannot enter the same book in two genres/sections.

✦Bribing the judges/hostess will result in immediate removal from the contest. Be fair and honest.

✦If you make changes or delete your work without notifying the host, then you may receive penalties in your overall score or you can get disqualified.

✦Your book must have at least 5 chapters (Excluding the prologue/aesthetics)

✦You can be both, a judge and a participant. But you cannot judge in the same genre in which you are participating.

✦Your books needs to be in English only.

Rules for Judges

✦ Follow heather_community and deviljooniefics

✦ Add this book to your public reading list. Also, give a proper shout-out to this book on your message board(Don't forget to tag us correctly!)

✦Be fair with the scores. Do not take bribe from any participant.

✦Must be active on either Discord or Wattpad.

✦Do not ghost us, if you are signing up then you have to take the responsibility and finish your task. If there is any emergency/issue hindering, then kindly inform us on a prior basis.

✦You have to read at least 5 chapters of the book(excluding prologue and author's note). You can read more if you wish to.

✦Please refrain from leaving comments on participant's novels in this judging period.

✦Be punctual and submit the scores keeping in mind the deadline.

✦Make sure to cover the points given in judging criteria. Also, you are allowed to give constructive, not deconstructive criticism.

✦You can be both, a judge and a participant. But you cannot judge in the same genre in which you are participating.


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