Book Highlight: Fireweaver | A spiderverse fanfic

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Author : EdenSungilda

1. What would be alternative titles for you book looking in as a reader?

I've thought about the title a lot, I've wanted to incorporate something with symbolism and "entangled in flames" was an alternative title I thought about, so if I wasn't going for the comic book direction I think entangled in flames would be something that would catch my eye as a reader.

2. What chapter is your favorite in terms of the most fun to write and the most important to the book

This is a tough question, but I love it! I have two favorite chapters thus far, my book is still ongoing and I know there will definitely be more, but the most fun to write for me was chapter four. I love writing action scenes and witty banters, and chapter four was full of them!As of now, my second favorite and I think the most important is chapter one, because it introduces the protagonist and a very important supporting character that will help her along the way, and shows the readers the origins of Esmerelda's powers.

3. What do you think is a plotline/writing method which sets your book apart?

I write numerous chapters at once to make sure everything adds up. And what I mean for that is I'll be working on chapter eight and nine at the same time I'm working on chapter five. I do this to keep consistency and also to keep my brain functioning, if I stay on one chapter that has a fluff scene and I feel my creativity slacking, I switch gears and go write an action scene. I believe burnout is a real thing as well, so I make sure to take breaks even if I have that craving to write something, because postponing it let's me sit on the idea and makes sure that I don't tire myself out too quickly and give up on the book to work on something else.

4. What do you think readers tend to overlook that you wish more attention was given to, with regards to your book and otherwise.

As of now I haven't noticed anything, but for any future readers I do want them to disregard the fact my book is a fan fiction. I don't want the story to be underestimated simply because the worst cringeworthy reads is commonplace in that genre. There's a lot of hidden gems there too! A lot of the storyline is completely original and I put a lot of time and research into it to flesh out the world I've made and incorporated it as if it was in the marvel universe. I do make a lot of nods to marvel, and the main love interest is owned by them, but everything else is aimed to be as cool and standalone as possible.

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

There's a lot of underlying messages and tones in my book. To not give anything away, I'd say the main one is Esmerelda is still l trying to figure out who she is even at the age of twenty six. I want readers to know that learning and growing is a process that never really ends, and it's okay if you're still trying to figure out how you fit into the puzzle.

6. Characters that you most resonate with

I resonate with a lot of my characters, but the most is definitely Esmerelda. She's mixed, from El Salvador, loves her family more than anything, someone who loves to dance, and has a ton of sass! She's a bit more reckless, but I think all of us can be a hothead when it comes down to it.

7. If your book is ongoing or if you are planning for a sequel, how much does the reader input affect your plot direction regarding characters

If a reader notices something that contradicts something I wrote without my intention, I'd fix the plot to make sure it makes more sense. It's hard to beat plot holes but I'll readily listen to my readers if they notice one. I also have a sequel planned, but I'm waiting to begin writing it after the release of the third spider-verse movie. My book is meant to be able to connect to the trilogy fluidly, so that movie might affect the outcome of my book.

8. Do you think your book works better as a binge read or a chapter wise read or all the same

I think it'll be a great binge read once it's complete! I aim to make every chapter end with a hook to keep my readers enthralled and wanting to see what happens next, and since it's a slow burn+ love triangle, it's definitely one of those kinds of books you'd stay up all night reading just to see if the characters you're rooting for end up together or not. That's why I try to release three chapters every Sunday, to give as much content as possible but also leave the readers wanting more.

9. Other than your current book, if you were to branch out, what genre would be the first in mind?

I actually have several original story concepts I have stored away in my notes app that I'll hopefully release once this book is done. They are mostly in the fantasy genre with romance elements, one however I'm interested in incorporating horror to it- which is completely out of my comfort zone!

10. How would you pitch your story to a new reader

Esmerelda costello, a dancer with dreams of being in the nation's top ballet company, has everything going great for her. A loving family, a dashing coffee date, and a knack for crime fighting. Until she didn't. Not only has her dreams turned upside down but her entire world as she's pulled through a portal past time and space, finding herself in another dimension in New York, thirty six years in the future. Can she figure out how to navigate back home, or will she be stuck living in hiding from the police force known as the public eye? And just who is this spider-man that's been missing?

Thanks for the insightful interview experience :) 

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