Book highlight: Crossroads (Book 1)

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Author : _Ash_es

1. What would be alternative titles for you book looking in as a reader?

The legends of the winds

2. What chapter is your favorite in terms of the most fun to write and the most important to the book  

Chapters 29 and 30 were the most fun to write because this was were the climax of the story was. It was the fighting scene and they were finally using their powers in a real crucial fight. Whereas, chapter 9 was the most important because that was when the main stuff was beginning to happen.

 3. What do you think is a plotline/writing method which sets your book apart?

Um, I think I incorporate humor in a lot of places even when the situation is quite serious. The different points of view from the different characters, the building up of tension and seriousness as the story progresses and the way the characters mix their normal lives and the not so normal part as well, I guess.

4. What do you think readers tend to overlook that you wish more attention was given to, with regards to your book and otherwise.

I think readers(some of them) overlook the fact that the book is tense and serious in some parts while in some other parts it's chill and supposed to be funny. They usually don't get that. I wish some of them would know when it's one and it's the other.

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

Well, I'm not done with them all and the whole trilogy would actually sum up the lesson to be taken, I guess. But so far, in this book one, I want readers to understand the effect of change in one's life and how getting used to it is pretty difficult. They should also understand that one little thing one day could change your life forever and your priorities too but they should accept it with courage, nevertheless ( if it's necessary.)

6. Characters that you most resonate with 

Aah, Trevor because he brings out the comedian in me and we both have the same amount of passion in what we want to achieve.Lucy, actually, because there's also a dark side of me like her. I know how it feels to be dragged into those dark thoughts that ppl shouldn't really be thinking about if they want a stable mental health.( I did personally write her poems. hehe)

7. If your book is ongoing or if you are planning for a sequel, how much does the reader input affect your plot direction regarding characters

 Well, I am writing a sequel, like I said before, but I don't think the readers can actually influence the direction of the story because the book has already been planned out before and changing one thing could cause changing a lot altogether and that's pretty difficult. Although, one suggestion from a friend made me to just change one little thing in book two but that's it.

8. Do you think your book works better as a binge read or a chapter wise read or all the same

 think better as a binge read cuz I designed it in a way that I hope readers would want to move on to the next chapter immediately because of some cliffhanger or tense moment that was cut off suddenly.

9. Other than your current book, if you were to branch out, what genre would be the first in mind?

Romance. I've always wanted to write that genre and I think that'll be next after the series.

10. How would you pitch your story to a new reader

Umm, here we go.After many years of mourning, the spirits were finally found...Centuries ago, Reina lost their sacred spirits in their last war. The kingdom was destroyed and lost its glorious name and aura...until, recently their spirits were found.Strangely, but not surprisingly they drifted off to Ankor, the mortal world, each inhabiting a teenage mortal body. These kids are scared and confused at first, the thought of having magic powers being strange and frightening to them.Later on, they get to accept their new lives and understand their duty in the forthcoming return of the last sacred and missing spirit of Reina.Join them all as they discover new powers and learn more about the different kingdoms with the intent of restoring the lost kingdom one hopeful day and preventing the return of their evil friend.I tried my best...

Thanks for the interview experience :) 

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