Book Highlight: The Assassin's Scars (Book I)

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Author : Mariya_Evans

1. What would be alternative titles for you book looking in as a reader?

I messed around with a lot of title containing darker themes like "shadow." I haven't put much thought into alternate titles now that I found a title, though!

2. What chapter is your favorite in terms of the most fun to write and the most important to the book

I really enjoyed writing chapter 15. I think it answers a few questions readers have about one of my more elusive characters and helps them realize that the world my characters are in doesn't actually hold a lot of happy endings. It also begins to set a pattern that is seen later. 

3. What do you think is a plotline/writing method which sets your book apart?

I add a lot of clan ritual, lore, and history, which comes from my imagination and is therefore unique. I also write in a sort of fantasy setting but without magic, which is a bit unique as well.

4. What do you think readers tend to overlook that you wish more attention was given to, with regards to your book and otherwise.

I do wish people could understand my characters and why they behave the way they do, but honestly, I have some wonderful readers that really pick up on things.

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

 Trauma doesn't go away with love, acceptance, and a safe place. Once experienced, it's always there. 

6. Characters that you most resonate with

Angie, who isn't much a part of book one. She's resilient, independent, and says exactly what she's thinking. She's a planner, and she's extremely sarcastic and doesn't have time for people who don't know what they're doing. She's also quite impatient. I think I have a lot of both her positive and negative traits, though I certainly hope I'm not as malicious as she is.

7. If your book is ongoing or if you are planning for a sequel, how much does the reader input affect your plot direction regarding characters

I'm on Book V of my series. Reader input doesn't really change the plot at all, but I love feedback regarding prose and will adjust accordingly.

8. Do you think your book works better as a binge read or a chapter wise read or all the same

I think it takes a bit for readers to fall for the story. I notice that those who binge-read often start to do so at the end of Book I once they are acquainted enough with the characters to actually care about the events of the story.

9. Other than your current book, if you were to branch out, what genre would be the first in mind?

Thriller, probably a mystery serial killer sort of story. I'd also write a sort of sci-fi horror with lots of blood and gore but even thinking about planning for that makes me tired.

10. How would you pitch your story to a new reader

 It's character based with characters that you love one chapter and want to throttle the next. It's fast paced with it's fair share of action scenes and some sweet moments, though they are well-outnumbered by darker scenes. The story is complex to follow at first, but once a reader gains familiarity with the characters and clans, it's easy to follow and full of conflict. 

Thanks for the interview experience :) 

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