286. I Do Not Wish To Leave

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I wish today was still far away
And I didn't have to leave
But if I stopped and took a break
I would never wish to return
Maybe I just shouldn't go
Spare myself the pain
Go upstairs and back to sleep
And pray to not wake again
No I shouldn't do that
That's not something I should ever want
So why is the idea so alluring
Death that will put to an end
All of this petty pain
It's all so trivial anyways
Is that even true at this point
Is that what I'm going to say
I do not want to leave today
But if I don't return
I will not want to leave tomorrow
And then I won't want to leave the next
And the next and the next and the next
Until I never do return
And then I'll lay and rot away
Upstairs in my room
Sitting in misery and no company
Until I'm just found dead
Sitting upright in my bed
Around my neck a vibrant red
Gone for good I don't have to leave
I wouldn't have to leave ever again
But lets keep that reality make-pretend
Despite myself I left the house
Waiting for the day to start
I do not want this day to start
I think I'd rather fall apart
Instead and go back home
Can't keep on with pointless suffering
If I can't go on at all

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