284. The Detriment That Only Comes From Greatness

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Everytime I do this
I regret it
I say I can't do this next year
Next time
I can't do this at all
Then next time
Next year
I do the same thing
What is it that I do
That's what I do
Not just good enough success
Not just above average
Perfect success
I am a constant victim of perfect success
A slave to perfection
No room for error
No room for mistakes
No room to breath
It's so incredibly exhausting
It's draining
And stressful
And sometimes so very easy
So easy to grab
So easy to hold
Until your grip starts slipping
And your fingers slide of the edge
And your nails break as they claw into the surface
As you lose your mind
Your sanity
Forgetting why you ever wanted this
Wondering why you keep seeking this
Other people enjoy you success
Everyone else full of glee
And you are stressed and depressed
Wondering why it feels so wrong
Why failing is so crushing
Why the view of strangers matters so much
Why you even try
You can and you should
And it makes you look so good
But that look is a façade
And the only one unfooled
Is the fool who tries
To perfectly succeed

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