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Despite the bright sunshine outside, the atmosphere inside the Lombardi household was dark and gloomy

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Despite the bright sunshine outside, the atmosphere inside the Lombardi household was dark and gloomy. As I pleaded with my mother to stay, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness. It seemed that in our family, things never went as planned and negativity always prevailed.

"Get off of me you little bitch!" My mother's response was harsh and unsympathetic as she pushed me away and rushed out the door. Frustrated and hurt, I watched her leave with a mix of anger and sadness.

It wasn't just my mother who showed no concern for me or my siblings. My father's indifference was just as evident as he lazily lounged on the couch without even acknowledging my presence. In this household, it was every man for himself.

As I cleaned up after yet another chaotic encounter between my parents, I couldn't help but reflect on how different our family dynamic was from others. The lack of warmth and love within our home left me feeling alone and overwhelmed with responsibility.

But despite it all, I knew that I would continue to be there for my family because that's just who I am – the glue that holds us together in this dysfunctional world we call home.


As the weight of the situation settled in, I felt a heaviness in my heart. "You don't love us!" Jackson's words pierced through me, cutting deeply into my soul. It hurt to see him in such pain, to witness the confusion and anger in his young eyes. But I had to be strong, for both him and our family.

I tried my best to explain to Jackson why this decision was necessary, how it would ultimately benefit all of us. I desperately wanted him to understand that I was doing this out of love, out of a deep sense of responsibility. But to a innocent child like him, it was impossible to comprehend the complexities and sacrifices that adults often face.

As his tears flowed and his anger grew, I couldn't help but join him in his despair. I loved my family more than anything, and the thought of leaving them, never to return, was unbearable. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, and I struggled to keep my composure. How could I ever explain to Jackson the depth of my love for him, for all of them?

In that moment, I knew that no matter how hard I tried to justify my decision, it would never be enough. The pain of leaving my family behind, of saying goodbye to the life we had built together, was a sacrifice that only I could understand. It was a painful burden that I would carry with me forever, a heavy price to pay for what I believed was for the best.

As I held Jackson in my arms, I whispered through my tears, "I do love you. I love you all. This is for the best, even though it may not seem like it right now. One day, you'll understand." But deep down, I knew that understanding might never come.

After enduring the pain of our mother leaving, I was left with no choice but to take matters into my own hands. The situation with our dad had become unbearable, prompting me to make the difficult decision of calling Child Protective Services. It was a heart-wrenching decision to make, as it meant tearing apart our already broken family. However, I knew deep down that it was the only way to ensure my siblings' safety and well-being.

When our dad was taken away, I found myself burdened with an even greater responsibility. As the oldest sibling, it was up to me to decide what would be best for my younger siblings. The weight of the world seemed to rest on my shoulders as I contemplated the future that awaited us. I knew that if I were to give them up for adoption, they would have a chance at a better life, free from the chaos and instability that had plagued us for far too long.

In the midst of my distress, I sat down with my siblings to discuss the options. It was a somber moment, filled with tears and bittersweet realizations. They understood the difficult predicament we were in, and in their maturity, they acknowledged that I was making this decision out of love for them. But their words cut through me like a knife when my younger brother said, "If you did, you wouldn't be giving us away." It was a painful reminder of the harsh reality and the immense sacrifice I was about to make.

As I tried to respond, my brother turned away from me and walked off, his silence echoing in the air. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and sadness. It was the last time I saw them, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right choice. Yet, deep within my heart, I knew that I had done what was necessary for their well-being. As painful as it was, giving them a chance for a better life was the only choice that would bring them the happiness and stability they deserved.


"You sure you're up for this, Stella?" Chris asked.

I just gave him a look of confidence, "I was born ready."

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