Ch. 13: Protection

Start from the beginning

I studied him, surprised at the vulnerability slipping through his usually stony façade. As much as I wanted to pretend I hadn't noticed and make my excuses, it wouldn't be suitable. I needed to play my role, if only to avoid suspicion. I reached out and gently placed my hand on his. "Are you okay?"

Titan sighed and flipped his hand, taking my fingers, bringing them to his lips. "I'll be better once we catch this phantom." His brow furrowed as his eyes grew distant, seeming to get lost in thought. "Why on earth would they bring it back?"

"Perhaps a servant wanted to take it for a joyride," I offered. Then, to change the subject, I added, "I wasn't aware Blaze had an estate. I was under the impression he lived here."

"He does, usually," Titan said. "The estate belonged to his mother."

I doubted that was true. Just like this castle didn't actually belong to Titan. Who had lived there before? Were they still alive, or had they been murdered too? I forced a tight smile and withdrew my hand from his, disgusted for more reasons than I could count. "Well, I see no reason to fret about it. The car was returned unharmed. That's all that matters."

"I suppose so," Titan said, but I didn't like the way he was looking at me. Too intently. "What do you say we spend the day together? We could go shopping for our trip."

Was this a test? It felt like one. I smiled. "That sounds wonderful."

* * *

I spent more time getting ready for bed than I had for dinner, strategically applying makeup, and dressing in one of the new outfits I had purchased that afternoon. I sat on the edge of my bed, smooth and scented and staring at the clock. My pulse accelerated with each minute that passed, and by the time I heard voices outside the door, I was practically shaking with anticipation.

Silence. I waited, making absolutely sure Bear was gone. But when I finally walked over to open the door, the knob wouldn't turn. Was he holding it? "Hu—Ghost?"

"Wait until midnight."

I pursed my lips, staring at the wood, feeling like a scolded child. He was right of course. Anyone could decide to drop in on me. Mother, Titan, and what would they think if I wasn't here? They could go searching, and with the tension between Huck and I, who knew what they might find. I sighed and went back to my bed, sitting down, wringing my hands as I resumed my role of watching the clock. Tick. Tick. Tick. Seconds passed like hours. How was he so patient?

When midnight finally came, I wrenched the door open, and found him on the opposite side of the hall, arms folded and expression sinful. He bit his bottom lip as his attention slowly slid downward. "The objective is to go unnoticed."

Heat filled me, warming my skin like a fever. "That's why I wore black."

He growled softly. "I see that." His gaze flicked up to mine."If we do this, we're actively attacking the castle, and there's a high chance we'll get caught."

"I know."

He sighed, pushed off the wall, and started down the hallway. "Then we should probably get started."

I frowned, followed, fighting to swallow my disappointment. I'd spent the entire day imagining this moment, and not once had it looked like this. I was being silly. He was doing what I wanted, going along with my plan even though he was totally against it. Now that we were on the same path, I thought maybe we would be...closer. But, instead, he led the way back to the forgotten room in the same stormy silence he had this morning.

I reached for the light as we stepped in.

Huck caught my hand. "Better to leave it off." His flashlight flickered to life, and he set to work, loading items into a rucksack conveniently waiting to be filled.

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