𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎

430 2 13

*knock knock* I opened the door, y/n smiled as they saw me. "How's your work going y/n?" I walked toward their desk glancing at some papers.
"Ok I suppose, I have so much to catch up on. It's ridiculous really." They sighed peering over at the stack of unfinished paperwork.
"How about you take a break? I'll treat you do dinner, we can maybe grab a drink or two and you can come back and continue. How's that sound?" Their eyes lit up, "that sounds amazing, I definitely need a break." They stood up yawning, walking to grab a coat. "Any ideas where you'd like to go for dinner?" They shrugged.
"I have the best place in mind!" I smiled at them.
"Alexander's! Their food always hits the spot after work."
"Oh my we haven't been here in ages! This place is my favorite!" They smiled at me.
"Yea I remember you told me while we were out on a coffee run when I first started working at the company."
"I'm shocked you remember that Will, that was almost 3 years ago now."
"Hard to believe it's almost been 3 years. But let's go inside im starving!" I grabbed their hand, dragging them into the restaurant.

"Order whatever you'd like! It's my treat!"
"Are you sure? We can split the bill it's no problem."

"Nope no way, you deserve it! You've been working constantly and are in desperate need of a proper meal, especially one you don't need to worry about paying for. Don't think I didn't know you've been having those crappy convenience store microwave meals for the past few weeks. You need to take better care of yourself if you're working late."

"You're right, you're right. What would I do without you Will? You're always taking care of me. I really do appreciate it." They smiled at me.

"Whew I'm stuffed that was delicious, thank you for dinner! We should do this more often!" They laughed.

"Yea of course! I'm happy I was able to get you a decent dinner." I chuckled glancing outside.
"Oh what, when did it start raining?" I grabbed my bag checking for an umbrella, but no luck.
"Do you have an umbrella in your bag by chance?" They shook their head, "no I left it at home because it was still drenched from the previous night."

"Well it doesn't look like it'll let up anytime soon. We can use my jacket to ensure we aren't soaked by the time we get to the office."

"Are you sure Will?" I nodded, grabbed my bag and covered my head with my jacket. I urged them to do the same. They huddled underneath my coat, the sound of rain pattered the coat. They hung close to my side, I made sure no water got on them. But my shoulder was soaked, but it was ok it was only a bit a rain.
We reached a small bridge, the lights from the city illuminated the river below, creating a beautiful view. They stopped reaching into their pocket pulling out a cigarette. They patted their pockets in search of a lighter but didn't find one. I grabbed the lighter I kept and lit their cigarette. I don't smoke, but ever since they started I've always kept a lighter on me. They tend to forget theirs. I leaned against the cold metal, keeping my coat over their head. Part of my back was now drenched.
"Y/n I love you."


"I've been in love with you for the past three years. I love everything about you. The way you smile at me when I remember your favorite things, the way you laugh at the smallest things. I can only imagine my life with you. You always cheer me up and whenever I'm with you I always feel so happy like nothing else matters. You are the most amazing person I know and I can't say I know what I'd do without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making more memories and simply enjoying each others company. I love you so much y/n, I can't fully put into words how I feel."

They dropped their cigarette, stepping backwards.

"William I-.."
"I don't love you nor have I ever loved you. We could never work. I've thought of you like family and you suddenly drop the bomb you've been in love with me pretty much since we met? Are you insane? Why would you tell me that? Are you trying to ruin the friendships we have? We could never be more than friends."

My eyes swelled with tears, I felt my stomach drop. The rain poured down onto me, tears poured down my cheeks.

"You've never loved me?"

They shook their head.
"No I've never once loved you."

They turned and walked away. I stood still, watching the one person who I truly loved, the one person who made me genuinely happy, the person who gave me a reason to keep living, leave.

Idk how to feel about this one tbh but anyways I love you all so much and remember please take care of yourselves!



𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now