How It Started And How It'll End

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It is cold, very cold, you don't remember much, however, you are alive, right? You feel your eyes starts to open, your vision is cloudy and you can't see very well.

Scientist 1: "How about the clothes? Should we just cut it open?"

Scientist 2: "What else are we supposed to do?"

You could hear their voices, but you are in a daze. Are you in the hospital? They wear hazmet suits so you doubt that's the case. You eyes fully adjusts to the light of the room, as their scalpels were about to cut you open, your eyes widen and you jumped out of the surgical table.

???: "Woah! What... the hell??"

Scientist 1: "H-Hey! He's still alive?? How??"

Scientist 2: "Don't question it! Just call the Blackwatch troops to get here as soon as possible!"

You are still in a bit of daze, but you figured that is your que to leave. You starts run-limping out of the research lab, and starts making your way out of there.

???: "What the hell is going on..? Where am I? Who am I? Ugh... I'm having a headache."

You encountered a barbed, tall fence and without much thinking, you jumped at great heights to easily get past it.

???: "What the hell...?"

You stared at the fence for a little while, before deciding to ignore that weird feat you did. Thinking that you're probably high and just think you jumped over that, and in reality you got barbed by the wires.

???: "I have to get out of here."

You start sprinting away, only to find that you are faster, feeling a little stronger. At first you didn't think much of it, but when you sprint past a speeding car, you know now that you're not ordinary anymore.

???: "Did I just...? What the hell happened to me?"

You stopped at an alley, you catch your breath, regain your thoughts, you start hearing screams and commands from a soldier of sorts. You turned around, only to find a squad of soldiers dressed in all black and have a weird mask on pointing their rifles at you.

Blackwatch commander: "Open fire!"

???: "W-Wait! No, no, no, no, wait-"

Despite your retaliation, the soldiers starts shooting their rifles at you, you could feel their bullets tearing your flesh and piercing your bones. You fall on your back, bleeding out with many bullet holes scattered around your body. As the commander noticed your 'dead' body, he signal his troops to stop shooting.

Blackwatch Commander: "Alright boys, let's go home. You, take care of the body."

The commander points at a Blackwatch soldier. The soldier salute the commander and starts walking over to your presumably dead body as the others leave.

Blackwatch Soldier: "... Just a reprecaution..."

He shoots your head a couple of times, and kicked your body. No response, he then reached down to grab you...

Press 'E' to to grab.

Until you suddenly shot yourself up and grabbed the poor soldier by the throat.

Blackwatch soldier: "Hey- what the??"

Press '🖱 right click' to consume.

Before the soldier could retaliate, you smash him into the ground and beat him mercilessly, as you do so, black tendrils with red hue and highlights starts consuming the soldier's body into yourself. You could feel his memory submerging into yours. You could feel his form, you could feel everything he has ever felt and experience. You could also feel that you're regenerating, healing, alongside the Blackwatch soldier's memory that is currently relevant flooding your mind...

The Prototype And The Killer Siblings (TCOAAL X Male Prototype Reader)Where stories live. Discover now