Frendship Bracelts

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Heart pounding through my chest and screams flowing through my head, I take my bow. Sinking slowly in the stage, my heart dropping and taking a almost too dramatic sigh of relief. You can almost hear the crowd through the thick stage, the crew helping me off the platform in the dark, onto the floor.

I hear my heart through my ears, after years of preforming you think it would get less tiring. The door at the end of the tunnel comes into view and a guard open it's for me. My family already waiting for me on the other side, smiling ear to ear I run to my mom first.

"Great job sweetie" my mom says, her arms tightly around me. I feel bad for sweating all over her but I brush it off and move over to my dad who's standing as proud as he always is.

I take him in for a hug and take another breath of relief. My feet sore from dancing and my arms tired of holding the microphone, even if it was light.

"Another great show" he says, putting his hand back in his pockets. I lock arms with my mom and we walk backstage together. The amount of guards getting overwhelming high as we go. Making me feel a little uneasy. I knew my mom felt it too as it felt she had pulled my arm closer.

"What's with the guards today? Did you bring someone tonight Taylor?" My dad asks, looking confused as I felt. I shake my head no, giving myself time to rest my voice after the show and to prepare for tomorrow nights show.

A guard comes up to me and starts walking with us "Mrs Swift, Travis Kelce tight end of the Kanas City Chiefs football team requests to speak with you. He claims to have a bracelet for you. " my ears perk up and bracelet. Its rare to hear about a full grown man trading bracelets, but it's also the cutest tradition. I look at my mom, I knew he was in the crowd somewhere but I wasn't prepared to speak with him

"I would, but tell him I'm on vocal rest" I say, my voice small and low. A small smile spreading that he was here and wanted to see me.

The guard nods and walks off the other direction, we keep walking as made our way to my dressing room, dad stopped to talk to someone and my mom came in with me. I instantly fell on the couch throwing my boots off and taking a big breath. My mom chuckles at me and grabs my other clothes to put on before we go to our hotel.

"You really do keep getting better every night" she smiles, handing me comfy pants and a cute hoodie. I force myself to get up and my mom goes on and on about the crowds tonight and how 'Travis looked at me' I laughed at her as she said that. I kept thinking about how he wanted to talk to me and as bad as I felt for rejecting him it was probably for the best.

I change as fast as I can with my tired limbs and meet my mom on the couch, it was already almost midnight and I hadn't eaten anything since before the show. Luckily, my staff prepares me food and I got some chips and water on my way out the door.

The clicks of the camera can be heard through the door, no doubt waiting to see if I leave with Travis. They will be happily disappointed as i clasp arms with my mom, my dad not far behind me and walk only a few feet to the car. Cameras click thousands per second and lights flash all around, I've gotten used to it but I felt bad for my parents.

The door of the black car opens and we all hop inside, my mom huffing as she sits, my stomach drops as I feel bad she has to get used to that like I have as my fame has gone up so much. I'm not complaining about it, I love the fans, I couldn't be here without them. But I had established paparazzi weren't fans, the photos would go to the fans but they weren't fans.

Our car ride back to the apartment was silent, only the noise of my dads foot tapping and my moms big breaths. I could finally rest for a few hours until I was back on stage and then on a plane to the next stop, my stomach spun as I got exited for the crowds. They were always so different and I loved them all, my legs bounced with a mix of anxiety and excitement.

I take a deep breath and lean back in the seat, my eyes close and I rest until we make it to the hotel.

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