It's been a few days after Gilbert and Y/n hung out, and Y/n was now with Diana and Ruby, bringing Anne her books. She hasn't been in school for weeks. No one really knows why, but Y/n thinks it's cause she is a bit overwhelmed by everything, and everyone.

Diana invited Y/n to tag along since Y/n wasn't too busy today, and she was worried about Anne.

They walk through the gate to Green Gables, holding Anne stuff in their hands. They see a boy around their age walking, assumingly, to the barn. His eyes seem to widen when he sees them. He straightened himself up as he approached them.

"Hello, ladies." He smiled.

"Hello." Diana replied.

"Hi." Y/n waved at him slightly, Ruby didn't say anything.

They kept walking until they reached the door, Diana knocked and they waited for a moment before Marilla answered.

"Good afternoon, Miss Cuthebert." Diana greeted.

"Good afternoon, Diana." Miss Cuthebert replied.

Diana looked at Ruby "This is Miss Ruby Gillis."

"Hello." Ruby spoke.

Diana looked at Y/n, letting her introduce herself "Oh, I'm Y/n Jones." Y/n smiled.

"Lovely to meet you." Marilla smiled at Y/n and Ruby "What brings you three by?"

"We thought Anne might like to have her books and everything." Diana said and handed Marilla Anne's stuff.

Ruby quickly said "Nice to meet you. Come on, Diana."

She goes to leave but Diana stops them as Y/n spoke "We've been worrying about her."

Diana nods "Isn't that right, Ruby."

Ruby looked slightly annoyed "Diana and Y/n especially."

"Did something happen?" Marilla asked, confused.

"Anne's suffering, isn't she?" Diana asked "I just know it."

Y/n sighed "Anne is too sensitive for this world."

Diana nods and looked at Y/n "She told me that once." Diana turned to look at Marilla "Is she truly never coming back to school?"

Ruby looks at Diana "If she's not, then we can sit together, Diana." Y/n and Diana glance at Ruby.

"When did you last see her?" Marilla asked.

"It's been days and days." Diana replied "I never imagined she wouldn't come back."

"Neither did I." Marilla told them, making Y/n frowned slightly.

Y/n glanced at Diana before looking at Marilla "May we say hello to her?"

"Anne is running an errand at present, but I'll be sure to tell her you were here." Marilla said.

"Please do, Miss Cuthebert." Diana said "Please tell Anne we miss her very much."

Marilla nods "You can count on it."

Diana and Ruby begin to walk away and Y/n quickly looks back "It was lovely to meet you." Marilla smiled as Y/n caught up with Ruby and Diana.


Y/n was woken up by someone shaking her "Y/n, dear. Wake up. There's a fire." Her mother shakes her.

She quickly gets herself up and puts her dressing gown on, looking outside. She could see the flames of the fire and her father getting on the horse, Henry opening the gate.

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