Y/n was walking home. She had to get home fast because Gilbert should be home now, and her and her parents are going over to see them.

She ran up her garden and into the front door, almost slipping as she did. Sarah saw and laughed "Y/n, watch your step. I know you're excited but--" Sarah was cut off by Robert almost slipping into the room "Robert! I was just telling Y/n not to run around the house."

"Sorry I'm excited to see my friend, who I haven't seen in ages." Y/n said sarcastically.

Robert agrees "Yes, I haven't seen John in forever!"

Sarah chuckled "You're like a child. Y/n, go get yourself ready."

After around 15 minutes, Y/n was ready. She had her hair down with a light blue headband in. Her dress was white, with light blue wide ribbon around her waist that was tied in a bow at the back, normal sleeves and the skirt had one layer of fabric, so it wasn't puffy or sticking out.

She went downstairs where her mother and father were having some tea before they went, she ran up to them, jumping up and down "Can we go? Can we go? Can we go?" Y/n repeatedly asked.

Sarah smiled "Alright! Alright!" She stood up, Robert following.

They walked down the path to the Blythe house, which was literally just down the road.

Gilbert was waiting on the porch, looking out for Y/n and her parents. Once he got them in his sight, he started sprinting down the grass, Y/n running to him aswell.

Y/n ran into his arms and hugged him tight, Gilbert smiling widely into her shoulder, as Sarah and Robert walk up to them, they pull away and Y/n smiled.

"I've missed you so much." She said.

"I've missed you more." Gilbert said before looking at her parents "Sarah, Robert. My father is inside waiting for you, he's in his room."

"Thank you, Gilbert. Did you have a nice time?" Sarah asked.

Gilbert nods as Robert said "I'm glad. How is the old guy?"

"He's not bad, not good, but he's hanging in there." Gilbert said sadly.

They nod as they make their way inside. Sarah and Robert go and see John, hugging him before sitting and chatting with him. Y/n and Gilbert sit at the dining table. Gilbert starts telling her all about the places they went, and Y/n just sat and listened to him speak.

After hours and hours of them talking, it was time for the Jones' to head home, since it was almost ten o'clock and they had school the next day.

Y/n went to say goodbye to Gilbert's father "Goodnight, John."

"Goodnight, dear." He said, giving her a light hug from his bed "See you soon."

"I'll be around to help you and Gilbert whenever you need." Y/n smiled.

"Thank you." John smiled and Y/n smiled back and left the bedroom.

Gilbert spoke to Y/n on the porch as Sarah and Robert said their goodbyes to John "Are we walking to school together?"

"Of course. It's been lonely without someone to talk to." Y/n said.

Gilbert chuckled "I can't wait to see everyone."

Y/n nods as they sit on the steps "Everyone has missed you."

Gilbert took her hand "I've missed you the most." He said, making Y/n smile widely.

Her parents walked out and Robert smiles "Alright, lovebirds, time to go."

Y/n and Gilbert roll their eyes as they stood up "I'll see you tomorrow."

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚘 [𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚎]Where stories live. Discover now