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It was 12.30 at midnight and everyone was fast asleep. Janvi was sitting on the upper most berth, she was unable to sleep. Something was disturbing her, it was the fact that she had hidden something from her dad for the first time. Janvi was a chilled out girl but when it came to her family sentiments she used to get zoned out. Janvi knew once she returns to her University she is going to confess this to her dad but the question that was eating her sleep was "How".

Janvi got down of her berth and walked towards the washroom. She did not tell anyone before leaving neither did she check who was awake. Janvi reached near the doors of the washroom and looked into the mirror. She opened the tap and splashed some water on her face. As she wiped her face she found Mihir standing near the open door of the train.
His hairs were waving along with the fast moving wind, he had his earphones on and was looking immersed in some thoughts.

Janvi moved towards him and pulled one of the earphone from his ears and whispered "what do you think you are doing here at this hour."

" Waiting for a waterbody to come so that I can jump and die" said Mihir without any hesitation


"Just kidding." Said Mihir

"I know ofcourse" said Janvi

There was an awkward silence between the too, When Janvi decided to break the ice.

" I can't sleep." Said Janvi

"Well I can't play antakshari again please." Replied Mihir

"I don't mean that." Said Janvi

"I am bored too." Said Mihir

"Lets do some bitching. What say." Said Mihir

"About whom?" Asked Janvi

" Everyone we know. Start with Kunal and Niti." Said Mihir

" You are drunk or what. Niti is my best friend." Said Janvi

" Well so is Kunal to me." Said Mihir

" You are just crazy." Said Janvi disgustedly

" Uhh well there is no such thing in this world called best friend, everyone is just around you because they want somebody to be around them. It's simple." Said Mihir Casually

"And you don't need anyone around you, I suppose." Said Janvi

" Actually, no." Said Mihir

"Fine then, you are sick." Said Janvi and left.

Janvi got up on her berth covered herself with a blanket and closed her eyes trying to sleep.

" He is mysterious." Murmered Janvi to herself

Mihir was a mysterious person, he always went against everyone. He thought very differently, and the reason of his difference was just known to him. He appeared as a strong, hard hearted person which he was to some extent, but his reality was hidden inside him.

Janvi was trying to sleep but couldn't for some reason. Suddenly she felt sick and immediately got down of her birth to grab the bottle, She felt like vomiting so she reached the wash basin where the doors were open. Having received some fresh air she felt better. Suddenly she realised Mihir was no longer standing there, and the doors were open. She got stunned.

" Did he actually jump out." Said Janvi

She was unable to think where to look for Mihir. She suddenly heard some noise from the washroom.

Someone had perhaps fallen inside and was opening and shutting the door.

Janvi moved towards the washroom and pushed the door. It was Mihir. The door could open half way only as Mihir was blocking it.

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