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"Refreshing cold shower, babe?" Mel's voice spoke up from the kitchen as I took a seat on the sofa, ignoring Laurel's teasing stare.

"Yep." I grumbled, leaning back to lie down and placing an arm over my face as I huffed.

"Nothing that hasn't happened before." Laurel spoke as she left the room, probably going to the kitchen.

The sofa dipped a little beside me as warm breath fanned near my ear, making me tense from my relaxed position. "I like having you wrapped around my finger, Ki. It's strange to know how much power I have over you considering you've been gone for so long. Did you think about me a lot when you were away?" She whispered, placing a gentle touch on my abdomen. "Did you dream about coming back? To see me?" Her hand moved lower, sliding beneath the waste band of my trousers and resting her hand flat against me. "You left me to burn on my own, Kiana. What the fuck was I supposed to do when all I could think about was you." Her teeth clasped onto the skin beneath my ear, making me gasp.

"Emily." I whispered out, breathlessly. "Emily, please." I begged, finally moving my arm away from my face and looking up at her as she moved away from my neck.

"Not here." She said gently as she took in my vulnerable state. Her hand slipped out of my trousers, pulling on my hand as she stood. I followed after her, glancing into the kitchen as we walked past and catching two smirks staring back at me. I shook my head at them, but didn't once refuse what was happening. How easily I let Emily pull me around. Even when we got to her room and the door shut, I had no obligation to complain about what was happening. My back harshly hit the closed door, her hands grabbing onto the clothing around my stomach. She scrunched her hand into a fist as she pulled us together, letting her head drop onto my chest as she heaved out a breath. I stood still for a few seconds, unsure on how to react.

But my arms eventually slid around her shoulders, pulling her even closer. "What's wrong, my love?" I asked, gently running one of my hands through her hair.

"I- I wanted this for so long...I waited for so long, and now I don't think I can." Her voice wobbled as she tried to explain, her hands gripping even harder.

I removed my hands from around her, instead grabbing her hands softly in mine and pulling them away from my t-shirt, and then laying them flat against it again. My hands then tipped her face up to look at me. I couldn't hold back a soft smile as her eyes met mine. "You're so beautiful. And don't worry about it, please. It's okay." She shook her head at this, pulling herself away from me and heading into to her bathroom, hearing her turn the shower on.

"No. You don't get it Kiana. You weren't here." Her voice echoed out into her room as I made my way to lean on the doorframe of the bathroom. I watched her as she leant against the sink, her head down in defeat.

"I know. I'm here now. Tell me what it is." I said as I grew more concerned. I couldn't help but think that maybe it was her old agent. Or maybe her father? But what I couldn't think of was why it might have been them.

"Fuck you, Kiana. You don't get to just come back and ask questions. You can't just show up, and expect things to go back to the way they were. You missed so much. I can't give you that time back." She scolded, her hand rubbing her forehead as she stared at me. "God, and all I want to do is kiss you, and I can't because- because you left." She sighed.

"Do it." I said, making her scoff. "You're getting defensive. That's not you Emily. I clearly missed something big. And I'm so sorry. But I can't change that. You can be as angry as you want with me Emily, but that isn't going to change that fact that you want to fuck me just as much as I do you. So please, spare us both the pain of ignoring each other because of anger, and fuck me." I ranted as I moved towards her, but stopped still before I got to her.

"I really fucking hate you, Kiana." She muttered as her lips aggressively pressed against mine, pushing me against the shower wall, feeling the heat of the water soak through my clothes. Her hands rushed to take my t-shirt off, flinging it to the floor and then sliding her hands down to my waist to tug off my trousers. Once she had, she discarded them too before harshly pressing one of her legs in between mine to spread them, her hands securely resting on my hips as she pushed her thigh into me.

My head dropped against the shower wall, gasping out. "Emily. Fuck." I heaved as I held onto her arms for support, my fingers digging in slightly when she slipped a finger into my underwear. "Fuck." I moaned as I fell against her as she pumped her fingers in and out of me at an ungodly pace. "Oh, oh god." I struggled to catch my breath as she added a second finger, lifting my legs up to wrap around her as her hips continued grinding into me. My back harshly scraped against the shower tiles, the water not providing me enough lubricant to allow the movement to be smooth against the stone tiling.
I cried out when she curled her fingers into me, my legs clenching around her body. "Emily. I can't-don't stop. Oh, fuck... don't stop. Emily. Fuck." My teeth latched onto her shoulder harshly as I tried to silence my loud moans as I toppled over the edge.

My breath was heavy when she removed her fingers from me. It had hardly calmed down as she carefully dropped me to stand on my own, and it was barely normal when she got out of the shower and walked away from me. I had hardly come back from being vulnerable when she left me, alone, in her bathroom. When she left me to control my feelings of abandonment all by myself. When she walked away from me wordlessly after having sex with me for the first time.

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