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"Under the influence doesn't mean I'm drunk. But anyway, do you need any help?" She offered, letting go of the woman as she walked closer.

"No, no it's okay. Harry will be here considering he drives her to most of the places that she goes to. I'll just find him outside and then I'll be fine. Enjoy your night like you set out to. I'll see you whenever. I love you." I said, placing a kiss against her cheek, winking over at the woman behind her. "You be nice." I warned her.

"I won't hurt her." The woman said sincerely. "Just like you won't hurt her." She spoke, pointing to Emily.

"It's not like that." I explained, pulling Emily with me towards the exit of the bathroom.

"Could have fooled me." She said, leaving the thought to dance around my head. My eyes frantically darted around the back wall of the club, finally latching onto an emergency exit that was ajar. I was unwilling to put Emily in a situation that meant that people might see her like this. My eyes searched around the carpark at the back, latching on to a familiar car. I softly picked Emily up, something I wasn't going to do, but it made things much easier. Even with her dead weight, she really wasn't that heavy.

My hand tapped against the window as he jumped in his seat, rushing out of the car. "Shit Kiana. What- Is she okay?" He panicked, opening the back door for me to put her in. I gently sat her on the backseat, pulling the seatbelt over her body and ensuring she was securely in place, then shutting the door.

"She's going to have the worst hangover tomorrow, I'll tell you that." I said, easing his worries.

"God for a minute, I thought you were asking me to be an accessory to murder. Wait, why are you here?" He asked, confused as he walked around to his side of the car, motioning for me to get in the front with him.

"I came with a friend, you know the one who answered my door?" I asked, to which he responded with a nod as he focused on pulling out of the carpark. "And then Mel told me Emily was here. So I thought I'd get her out of there in case something happened." I explained, looking back over her as she was sound asleep. I breathed  in deeply, before releasing it out of relief.

"Well at least when she's with you nothing bad will happen." He mumbled, frowning as he looked over the traffic in front of us that was building up, probably debating if there was a faster route he could take.

"Yeah." I couldn't help but let it all sink in. I didn't have to help her, but I did. It kind of makes me think of what Mel said the other day, that Emily clearly felt safe with me. Why? How? We hadn't known each other for the past five years, so how could she possibly feel safe with me in a matter of days?

She made it abundantly clear that she didn't want female attention, but not even half an hour ago she asked me to kiss her. What the fuck is going on with her? She can't like me. I admit, I am physically attracted to her, she's gorgeous. But I don't know how far that attraction goes. Is it more than just physical attraction? She's making me confused.

We have hated one another since we met, how is it that I had never thought that maybe it wasn't just hatred that we had bottled up towards one another.

We may have only just started being friendly these last few days because of our jobs, but we have known each other for years. We have known each other for too long, so the only way that feelings could emerge so strongly now is because they were always there.

I couldn't help but overthink every single minute we spent together arguing. Was it really us arguing? Or was it because we couldn't express our feelings in any other way back then? Was I really thinking about this? That there is a possibility that I might actually like her... that I have liked her this whole time? All of these years, is there a chance that hate...was actually love?

"Hey are you okay? We've been sat here three minutes and you still haven't moved." Harry's voice broke through to me. Thankfully.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah don't worry about it. Is it okay if you stay here and then drop me off after, I can pay you?"

"Don't be silly, I'm getting paid for the rest of the night anyway, I'll wait here." He said, unlocking the doors and letting me out. I pulled on the back door,  careful to not let Emily fall out. My hand reached to hold her upright, my other stretching to click off her seatbelt. Once I had unravelled her from it, I pulled her out of the car, pushing it shut with my hip and then rested her against me as I made her walk.

"Where-you taking me?" She slurred out, her legs wobbling as she walked. Her hands grabbed onto my shirt to try and steady herself a bit.

"You're home. Sorry can you let us in please?" I spoke to the guard on the front gate.

"Of course." He rushed, clearly uneasy at the sight in front of him. But he knew not to ask questions.

"Thank you." I said to him, pulling Emily with me as the gate opened. My hand pushed on her front door, the handle granting us access straight away. "Great security system." I whispered out as I walked through the halls of her house, finally finding a bedroom. Whether it was her's or not didn't matter, as long as she was in safely and asleep, at least she would wake up in a place she knew.

"Too warm." She mumbled, thrashing around the bed as she tried to get herself out of my blazer.

"Honey, you're going to rip it. That cost me more than my apartment, let me do it." I said softly, placing my hands on her's to prevent her from moving, then unbuttoning my blazer. I didn't let my eyes drag across her body, I didn't let my attention linger. It wasn't fair on her.

"Kiana?" Her voice squeaked out, shocked with my presence.

"Yep." I heaved out, pulling the covers over her as she drifted off to sleep. I then left, gently shutting the door behind me as I turned on my heels, nearly making it out the door before I was asked something I certainly didn't want to be asked.

"Why did she need you to bring her in?" Mr Fox's voice spoke to my back. My head turned to him.

"I think it's best that you speak to her. I'm not the middleman, if you have a question regarding her, ask her. And please lock the front door after I've left." I mumbled the last part, still loud enough for him to hear before exiting their overly grand house, shutting the door behind me. The guard nodded at me as I left, closing the gate as soon as my feet left the Fox premises.

"Well that was quick. Didn't want to spend the night?" Harry teased as I plonked in the seat next to him, urging him to get a move on and drive.

"Don't you start." I muttered.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with a harmless little crush." He defended.

"The problem is, it's not a harmless little crush. It's a harmful big crush. Something that I hate myself for." I scolded myself.

"Oh." He sighed out. "Well the heart wants what the heart wants. Follow it. You'll regret it if you don't." He mumbler, maybe it was something he felt strongly about. Or something he had been through. It wasn't fair of me to ask.

I'm Meant To Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now