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"How was your day sweet cheeks?" Mel spoke up from beside me. Melanie was my roommate, we had decided when we had first moved out here that we would share an apartment. Coming out here after university was a massive step for the both of us, one that was cushioned for us knowing that we had each other to rely on in a city where we knew no one. Melanie and I had been friends since secondary school, so telling her about the name in which I was a new agent to would be entertaining for her to say the least.

"Absolutely fabulous. I've got a new client, she's a bit difficult. I only met her today, her and her parents. I think her parents have signed her off to me because they got fed up of being in the driver's seat. I can understand why, she doesn't seem very thankful about anything. But who am I to judge?" I said, looking over her as she sat in her dressing gown with a glass of red wine perched happily in her hand.

"Judge away, it's your client babe. I can't wait to meet her." Mel teased. Mel worked in the same building as me, except she worked in the media sector. So me and her would often know more about my client than I would let on, because she handled their social media. We were strictly confidential, knowing that it was a dangerous thing to be talking about things that didn't involve the other, but because we have the same client, it was somewhat expected.

"I bet you can't. She won't want to fuck you though, so keep your nose out." I dismissed, knowing her motives.

"Oh, please. Everyone wants to fuck me." She said confidently. I could see why. She was beautiful, charming, everything you wanted. But she was my best friend and she would only ever be that.

"You wish. I'll make a bet. Twenty pounds, she shuts you down straight off the bat." I spoke, desperately trying not to let a smirk creep onto my face.

"You've got yourself a deal there sweetie. I can't wait to see your face." She closed the conversation, standing and walking away to her bedroom.

My phone buzzed on the table beside me.

"Hello?" A deep grumble came through the phone. The grumble was very recognisable though.

"Mr Fox. Is everything okay?" I questioned, I had only seen them hours ago, and I was sure that their daughter wouldn't have told them that she had come back to see me again.

"Oh, everything's fine. Sorry I didn't mean to worry you, I just wanted to see if it was okay that we came in tomorrow to talk with the media representative?"

"Yes of course. I'll get in contact with their manager to inform the member of the team and they should be in contact with you tomorrow with the times."

"We would like it if you were present too." He said, which confused me. It wasn't entirely unnatural that a client would request my presence whilst talking with the media representative, but it didn't make sense that they would want me there, or that Emily would want me there.

"Of course. I'll meet you in reception tomorrow."

"Thank you Kiana. I can tell you're going to be good for our daughter."

"Er-yeah, thank you. Goodbye." I rushed off the phone. "What the fuck?" I huffed, why would he say something like that. Whether it was entirely unrelated or whether he took a dig at his daughter, saying things like that put it on a personal level.

"Something the matter?" Mel spoke from behind me.


"Are you going to elaborate or just sit there like a fish." She said, putting her hand underneath my chin and moving it up and down before I smacked her away.

"My client's father. He just made things personal, like I'm doing their family a favour. Like we're friends." I frowned.

"Okay... I don't see the problem, you're overthinking it Kiana. You most definitely are doing them a favour if what you said earlier was true. If she's trouble, you've just took that out of their hands. They're going to love you, live with it."She dismissed my worry. But maybe she would understand more if she knew who exactly it was that I was talking about. I just didn't have it in me to actually tell her, knowing that it would come with a big conversation about her.


The following day, me and Mel made our way to work together. The office was bustling with activity down in reception, which wasn't uncommon. The celebrity presence at the firm made it one of the most successful companies in the city, and in hand...the most gossiped about.

"Shit me, who the fuck is here that's creating this much havoc?" Mel whispered to me, looping her arm through mine as we walked through the crowds of employees that scattered across the reception. As we headed over to the receptionist, it became abundantly clear why it was so busy. Emily Fox.

"Holy shit." Mel muttered besides me as I broke away from her grasp and headed over to the Fox family. The bodyguards acknowledged me first, remembering who I was and not making a scene at my infiltration of their little bubble.

"Mr and Mrs Fox." I made my presence known, something I didn't have to do for Emily as she was already looking at me. But I thought it was only respectful. "Miss Fox." I gazed over her, looking away when I met her eyes.

"Ah, thank god you're here. Is it normal for the employees to be like this?" Mrs Fox asked, nearly agitated at the countless employees that were trying but failing to come up to them.

"It's not, but what can you expect when you have one of the most sought after actresses in the world, here in the building." I tried to lighten the mood a little, motioning at Emily. I didn't allow myself to mull on the unknown look that crossed her face, turning to Mel and signalling for her to make herself known.

"It's so nice to meet you all, I'm Melanie Hardy. I'll be your social media advisor." She said, offering her hand to Emily's parents before looking over Emily. "You must be why all these people are hovering like flies. It's a pleasure to meet you." She spoke fondly of the actress in front of her, clearly not realising who she was. But it was clear to me that Emily knew Mel.

"Likewise." Was all she said back as she stepped away from Mel to stand a little closer to me, an act that I wasn't expecting from her. Mel rose an eyebrow at the movement, shaking her head before turning and talking to Emily's parents. They moved away from us, walking towards the elevator, leaving the two of us alone, apart from her few bodyguards, you can't avoid their presence.

"Should have known that everyone from that fucking school would be here, involved in my life." She spoke venomously, on a dangerous path to saying something she shouldn't.

"Careful Miss Fox, she's your social media advisor. You know what that means don't you?" I asked, genuinely. I meant no offence with the question, I just thought that she would be more careful with how she spoke of people, knowing they would be having a big say on how she appears to the world.

"I'm not stupid Kiana, stop treating me like I am." She sneered at me, leaving some distance between us as she got agitated.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to offend you, I just really advise you to watch how you say things. You're going to have to spend a lot of time with her if you want your social media presence to be as good as it can be." I said, stopping to allow her into the elevator and then joining her and the rest of the group as we all went up to the social media floor of the building.

"Well, once we're up there, I'll get us logged on to your accounts to see how things are. I'm sure there won't be much to change, I'll only give you advice on what to post next and so on." Mel addressed Emily instead of her parents, seeming as the client was Emily herself. Her parents had no say in what was done now, they had signed all of that onto me. Every decision that was made, had to go through me.

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