Home again

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When Nuka woke up, the first thing he felt was a cozy warmth and and he was about to snuggle in a little bit more and relax, when he suddenly heard two voices conversing softly in the background!

Confused about who it was and where he was, he opened his eyes and, to his surprise, realized he was in his room in Herobrine's castle!

But how did I get here? he wondered as he cautiously lifted his head, whereupon, shortly after, he spotted Herobrine and Roxana working on something at his desk.

Both had their backs turned, seemingly unaware of his awakening, but that wasn't what astonished Nuka.

It was the way the two interacted.

Nuka sat up a little more and stared at them in wonder and confusion, while the two of them continued working, seeming to be lost in their own world.

He had never seen two people speak so gently and kindly to each other, especially not Herobrine.

They look good together, he thought and was startled when he heard Herobrine laugh.

And it wasn't even an evil or threatening laugh but a small and genuine one. It was so unlike him.

Like he genuinely enjoyed their company.

I wonder what they're doing that fascinates them so much, he thought before extending his hand, but hesitating because he didn't know if he should disturb them or not.

He didn't want to, especially because seeing Herobrine smiling and happy was such a rare thing.

But he had no other choice if he wanted to get answers.

Besides, they would notice him sooner or later anyways.

"Uh... h-hello?" he finally managed to say, causing the two to turn around and look at him in surprise.

"Nuka!" exclaimed Roxana a moment later, delighted, while Herobrine still stood there, staring at him in shock as if Nuka had caught him doing something forbidden.

He still looked weakened and tired, and the green eyes on his face painfully reminded Nuka that all of this wasn't just a bad dream.

That would have been too good to be true.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're awake!" Roxana continued cheerfully, sitting next to his bed. "How are you?"

"Oh, quite good I think," Nuka replied with a nervous smile. "Still a bit dizzy, but otherwise, I'm fine."

Roxana nodded in relief upon hearing that.

"Ah, thank Notch," she sighed happily a moment later. "I was worried there might be more complications after you were unconscious for so long."

"Here," she continued, reaching into her pocket, searching for something "Hero and I made this. It should help you with any residual complications from overusing your powers."

With these words, she turned around and held out a potion that she handed to Nuka, who looked at it with surprise.

"You and Hero made this?" he repeated incredulously, looking at Herobrine, who avoided his gaze.

"Yes," Roxana replied with an enthusiastic nod glancing briefly at Herobrine before looking back to Nuka with a smile

"He's teaching me some of the old recipes so I can use them to help others. Isn't that great?"

Nuka looked at her in shock upon hearing this before turning back to Herobrine.

"You're teaching her?" he asked with a puzzled smile, while Herobrine still continued to avoid his gaze, looking very uncomfortable now. He folded his arms and stiffened up but Nuka was too curious to stop now.

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