Invigorating Measure

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With quick steps and a serious look, Roxana rushed down the underground corridor towards the direction of the dungeons.

It was only a few minutes ago that she was rudely thrown out of her bed and sent to her leader and former master Ethan Collins, who explained the reason for her appearance.

,,I know you're nervous," she heard her former master say in a friendly, but also serious voice, "but he's injured and unconscious, as are his two assistants. So they won't be able to do anything to you. And you are one of the best healers here and the only one I trust enough to perform this task with the necessary care and conscience."

Roxana sighed deeply while she thought of what she was expected to do.

Even though she felt honored that her former master trusted her so much, she still wondered why he had not given this task to any of the other white mages.

After all, they were all older and more experienced than she was.

However, she had no time to think about it!

She had to concentrate on her task! However, she could not suppress a queasy feeling when she thought about taking care of the most feared god to ever exist in Minecrafters and murderer of so many innocent souls.

The last time she had seen him was at the Festival of the Gods in Skylor, where she had invited her sister Aurora and where he had attacked the city with a boy.

Roxana still had nightmares about it today.

But before she could think about it further, she turned a corner and discovered two more mages standing guard in front of a nondescript enchanted iron door.

"Hey, Roxana, what are you doing here?" one of them continued in a surprised voice, and Roxana's mood lifted considerably when she recognized her longtime friend and fellow student Leon.

"Did Ethan send you?" he continued, whereupon his smile disappeared and his look became serious again, which Roxana confirmed with a nod.

"Yes, I... I'm supposed to take care of him and help him recover," she answered in a faltering voice, whereupon Leo looked at her in disbelief.

,,You?!" he replied in surprise, "but that's far too dangerous! You can't..."

"He's unconscious," Roxana interrupted him sternly, "not to mention that he's injured and has no powers. I don't think he can be much of a threat to me. So are you going to let me in or not?"
Leon looked at her grimly and for a moment Roxana feared he would deny her access. But he sighed finally and nodded in surrender.

"Alright," he finally grumbled, stepping aside and unlocking the door for her with a wave of his staff, "If Ethan gave you the job, I guess I can't stop you."

"But be still careful in there," he added in an urgent voice as he looked anxiously at Roxana. "They may all be chained up and shouldn't be able to use their powers, but you never know what these guys are capable of."

"Knock if you need help or want to get back out," he added, to which Roxana just smiled and entered to which Leo closed the door behind her, leaving her alone again to her relief.

Leo was someone she had been friends with since she first stepped into the city, and although she still held him in high regard, his overprotectiveness and the attachment he always showed her lately were often too much for her to handle.

I really don't know why he's been acting this way lately, she thought worriedly as she looked around. We used to have so much fun together before he decided he had to protect me and watch everything I do....and he knows that even though my main skill is healing, I'm good at defending myself.

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