It must've been easy for you because you had to convince only one person. It is you."

"I don't understand.", Dev asked confused.

"As far as I know you love your job because you never once said that you are not satisfied with your job. You like treating people. You should convince yourself to take those steps to live the life you want. And about age, it's just a number. You can start living whenever you feel like. As the saying goes:- we have
two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one life."

"You sound like a psychiatrist.", Dev said smiling.

"Well Psychology is my optional paper in my final year.", she said and shrugged.

She saw Dev was lost in his thoughts.

She said, "Trust me Dev. You're never going to let your father down. But if you don't open your eyes now, you'll surely let yourself down. Live Dev. Fail. Fall. Get up. But never give up. Regret is the greatest pain one can feel."

"I don't know if it's gonna work."

"Birds born in a cage think that flying is a disease. But that doesn't change the fact that flying is their nature."

He smiled looking at her.

"Thank you, Shivani."

They talked about other random things. Soon it's morning 7. Raq called them and they went back. Raq saw Dev smiling.

They enjoyed two more days in Mussoorie. Dev and Shivani are becoming good friends. Geetha and Raq are very happy for them. They came back from the trip.

Shivani is busy with her articles and new Novels. Raq and Geetha are busy with their wedding preparations.

Dev is back in the hospital. He always loved his job. But now he started loving his life too. He started making friends and talking his opinions out. Going with Raq on every occasion. He started loving him and also realized his feelings for Shivani.

When he said this to Raq, he was the happiest person on earth.

"Uhh.. Finally. I had to plan a trip to make you both know each other so you understand that you are made for each other."

"Mussorie trip is not for you and Geetha?", Dev asked shocked.

"No. It's for you and Shivani. Well, I got my share also.", he said while winking at Geetha who was beside him.

"You are unbelievable. Why did you do that?", Dev is happy but shocked too.

"Why did I do that? Because you both are the best and deserve the best."

Dev is not able to speak anything further.

"I don't know if she feels the same. Nevertheless, I'm gonna try.", Dev said with determination.

"She feels the same. Trust me. It is evident in the way she looks at you.", Geetha said encouraging Dev.

Later they are busy with their respective lives. Dev and Shivani are meeting regularly because of the marriage. But Shivani is not sure if she loves Dev.

Soon it was the day of Raq's marriage. When the wedding ceremony was done, Shivani got a message from Dev.

"Meet me in the backyard in 10"

She replied okay. After 10 min she went to the backyard and saw it was beautifully decorated. She turned around and saw Dev on his knee.

Shivani is shocked and closes her mouth with her hands.

Dev started speaking.

"I don't think a speech is required to say how much I love you. You taught me living.", he chucked. She is smiling and looking at him.

He continued, "Uhh. But really. I lost my way all the way to you and in you, I found all the way back to me. Will you be with me all the way till my last breath and teach me how to live?"

Tears started flowing from Shivani's eyes. She smiled and said, "I don't know what to say."

"Say Yes.", many people shouted behind her. She turned and was surprised to look at them. They are her parents, Raq, Geetha, and one more couple.

She turned and looked at Dev. "Raq told me that you always inform your parents before taking every important decision. So I asked your parent's permission before you. You are my miracle Shivani. Now tell me yours."

She saw her parents and they nodded.


She said and forwarded her hand. Dev slid the ring and they hugged.

Dev introduced his parents to Shivani.

"My Mom and Dad."

She smiled and greeted them.

His father said, "I thought I was making a good doctor people can rely on but in the process, I lost a better son. But you made him the best human. Thank you, dear."

She hugged his parents and they all went to their respective homes. Parents discussed among themselves and decided dates for their marriage. Shivani wanted an intimate wedding with only family and friends. Dev also wanted the same.

They tied a knot in a Sitaram temple.

Shivani shifted everything to Dev's flat today. She is watching TV when Dev returns from the hospital.

"All set?", he asked after freshening up.

"Yes, all set.", she said and hugged him.

"It feels so surreal. Me in your hands. It feels like home.", she said with so much love in her words.

He smiled and said, " I've something for you."

Shuvani is confused. Dev went and brought a gift wrapped. He handed it to Shivani.

"What is this?", she asked.

"Open it.", he said and she opened it.

There is a ring with an emerald.

"This is so nice.", she is excited.

Dev slid the ring on her finger and said he bought this ring with the money from the jar.

"This costs a fortune. How many notes do you put in it?", she asked.

For that, he said, "Every day after I met you was so special that I couldn't stop myself from dropping a note in that jar."

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