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I was happier. Happier with my girlfriend and my parents in law. They treated me normally and really well. They cared and they showed it.

That was until today.

Banging was heard from the front door while we were all eating breakfast together.

I looked a bit worried, worried about who it might be at the door.

I knew who it was but I had really hoped that it wasn't that person.

Y/N's father answered the door and there he was.

My father.

How did he even find me? I literally ignored his calls and everything.

I sighed and stood up, knowing that I was probably going to have to leave.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER?!" Father screamed.

"Father, I'm right here.." I said as I slowly walked towards the door.

Y/N stood up too, standing next to me. We were holding hands. Clearly, father saw it. He didn't seem to happy about it.

"YOU LITTLE-" Father tried to slap me.

But before he could, Y/N kicked him in the balls.


Father just groaned in pain as he fell to his knees. He covered his ugly ass dick with his hands.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked, clearly concerned as she looked at me with a concerned look.

"Yeah." I said under my breath as I nodded.

Father suddenly stood up slowly and he started walking in the house, shoving Y/N's father out of the way as he came towards Y/N and I.

I slowly backed away as I held Y/N's hand.

"I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERENT ALLOWED TO DATE GIRLS! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU FUCKING FA-" Father tried to say. But before he could finish, I punched him.

Y/N's jaw dropped. Her father gave me a thumbs up, clearly approving.

But, my father just groaned in pain with his hand covering his face, clearly in pain.

"FUCK!" He yelled.

I stared at my hand, my knuckles were bleeding now.

"Your face hurt my hand."

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Father yelled, getting up, coming closer.

"Go find something better to do, stop terrorizing your daughter. She's done nothing." Y/N's father said, pushing my father out the door.

"You can't do that! She my daughter, she'll have to come back ho-" He tried to say but Y/N's father shut the door in my fathers face.

"Are you ladies okay?" He asked. (rizz jkjk)

Y/N and I nodded.

"Sorry about that, he's like..Crazy. I think Im gonna have to go back home, sorry for the bother." I grabbed my jacket from the couch and my phone.

I bowed goodbye and walked out the door. But
Y/N came outside after me.

"Hey, are you sure it's the best idea to go home? Is he gonna do anything?" She asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I said, caressing her face and kissing her forehead softly.

"You sure?" She asked, making sure.

"Mhm. I'll call or text you tonight, okay?" I said, giving her a small smile.

"Okay. Call me if anything happens." She said. I nodded and walked away.
It was the next day and I walked to school as usual. I sat in my seat, waiting for Minji to arrive. I sighed as she class began and Minji still hadn't arrived.

Again? I thought to myself. I sighed as I stared at the empty seat next to me.

I decided to text her.

"Everything okay?" I asked. I really hoped everything was okay.

Without realizing, I was staring at the word "Delivered" for the past ten minutes.

"Y/N, eyes on the board." The teacher said as she kept writing equations on the board.

I sighed as I was deep into thought and couldn't even focus on what we were learning.

Damn. Minji was my first girlfriend, was it normal to miss her this much already? I sighed and slumped in my seat as I tried to finally pay attention to whatever the professor was teaching.


guys guess what?! my gf cheated on me with two different people🥰 anyways sorry for not updating for a really long time, life hasn't been going that well for me lately and tbh my mental health isn't the best rn. i decided to just at least release this really short chapter. plz forgive me. i'll try to at least finish this book🥹

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