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I walked into the usual class and sat in my seat.

Usually Minji arrived before me but she surprisingly wasn't here yet.

She'll probably be here though, she's never missed class.
Class started and Minji still hasn't arrived. Not gonna lie, it was weird.

"Class, there's an important announcement." Stated the teacher.

"Your classmate Kim Minji is currently in the hospital..The school decided to announce it so that the students can go and visit her during these hard times." The teacher added.

I was confused. Why is she in the hospital? What happened? Is she okay?

Out of instinct, I suddenly got up. Everyone was staring at me.

I got all of my stuff and ran out of the classroom. The teacher was screaming my name for me to comeback.

I ran out the school as quickly as possible and ran to the nearest hospital, hoping it's the one where Minji was.

I went inside and asked the lady at the computer if there was anyone named Kim Minji there.

"No, there is not a patient named Kim Minji." She said.

I sighed loudly and then ran again. I ran to the hospital that was closest to Minjis house this time, it would make more sense.

I asked the lady at the computer again, clearly out of breath from running so much.

"Yes, are you a visitor?" She asked.

Yes, I am." I responded, panting with each word.

"Okay, what is your relationship with her?" She asked.

What do I say? I can't be her sister cause we don't even look alike!

What if they don't let classmates in either?

"I'm her girlfriend." I said. It was the only thing I could make up.

She nodded and gave me a visitors sticker and she gave me the room number.

I found the room and slowly walked in.

I got closer and saw her wrists. I sighed as I realized how this happened.

But..she also seemed to have bruises all over her body?

There was a specific one on her neck that didn't look like a normal bruise.

I never knew that Minji was going through anything, she never made it obvious.

I stared at her face for a while, admiring how pretty she was.

All of a sudden, I saw her eyes flutter open.

I don't know why but I felt my cheeks heat up as I saw her look at me.

"Y/N." Was all that she said.

"Hm?" Was all that I seemed to get out for some reason.

"Why are you here?" She asked coldly.

"Uh I don't know, I guess I just felt worried?" I answered.

"Well you saw that I'm fine, so leave now. My dad is gonna be back soon.." She said.

"Your dad? Why does it matter though..?" I asked.

"Just go Y/N-" Minji tried to argue but before she could finish, a man entered the room.

The man was most likely her dad, they looked a bit similar in some ways.

"Father." Minji said, not looking up at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Minjis dad asked, honestly in a rude way. He was smiling but it was obvious that it was forced and that he didn't mean the smile at all.

"Um, I'm Y/N, a classmate of Minjis." I answered uncomfortably.

"And I'm just here to visit and I was just worried and wondering if she was okay.." I added.

"Oh so you're the one who keeps taking Minjis chances at being at the top of the class?" He asked as he chuckled.

"Umm.." I tried to think of something but I didn't know what to say as I was put into an uncomfortable position.

"Father, Y/N didn't do anything wrong.." Minji suddenly said, still not even looking at him.

"Fine, you have thirty minutes to be with my daughter, you better be gone after those thirty minutes." Minjis dad said.

I slowly nodded and he left the room.

I looked at Minji and she was fidgeting with her hand, she looked scared or something.

"Um, what's wrong..?" I asked slowly as I sat in a seat next to where Minji was.

"Nothing. But um, can you stop talking to me? Like, just leave me alone. My father wouldn't be happy if he found out that we talk or if we ever become friends..So, never talk to me again, never visit me again, and never text or call me. Please?" She asked. She looked like she was genuinely scared or something.

I was taken aback from the suddenness of her words but I mean whatever, it's not like I actually care for her, right?

"Uh, okay." I said before getting up and waving bye and then walking out of the hospital room.

I sighed and walked out of the building and then went home.
I unlocked the door and came face to face with mom.

"Y/N? Why aren't you at school right now?" She asked.

"Um, remember Minji?" I asked.

"Yes of course, is everything okay?" Mom asked.

"Well, turns out she's in the hospital. I ditched school to check on her.." I answered.

"Okay well, just don't do it again okay sweetie?" Mom said.

"Okayy. I'll be in my room." I said.


y'all today was my first day of school and it was so baddd. sorry if there's any mistakes btw, didn't have time to check it.

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