¿do you have some flour? | J.F

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context: Jana's neighbour really likes to ask for some flour


*read the a/n at the end *



"Hey Jana, do you have some flour left by any chance ?" i hear for the 3th time this week as i open the door.

"for your luck i do have some left... but i dont really think that i will have some at the end of the week" i answer with a sarcastic tone 

"im sorry"

"it doesnt matter, but before giving you the flour can i ask something?"

"you already asked something but sure. go on"

"what the hell are you baking that is making you come and ask for flour every time that you possibly can?" i asked with some giggles in between.

"its actually hard to answer? i dont know, im always baking something new honestly. yesterday i was doing chocolate chip cookies, on monday i was doing "kuchen" and now im going to do brownies, i try not to always do the same" 

"thats why the cookies smell yesterday, it made me want cookies really bad" i said making the 'e' longer

"im sorry, if you want to i could give you some next time if you want to?" she said and i could feel my eyes getting bigger at her proposal of cookies next time shes making them, but knowing that she was making brownies in a couple more minutes made me want them too.

"can i get some brownies too?, i now want some because i heard you saying that you were doing some" i asked with a slightly blush creeping up my cheeks while smiling at the thought of her baking

i mean, you cannot blame me. she is really pretty, blow minding pretty and really sweet and caring, one time she was getting out of her apartment at the same time as me and she droped her keys and said sorry. anyways  im pretty sure im not the only one who thinks that she's pretty because i've heard someone from the apartment below mine while being on the balcony talking about her with some of his friends, but hee was just saying stuff like 'how would it be to have her sucking his dick' (and i did not meant something like that when i said that she is pretty) and more stuff that i would not like to repeat because it really gross.

"sure, i can drop you off some later if you want to" she says as making me leave my own world and looking back at her with probably heart shaped eyes. but of all i care i could scream to the whole world right now that i like her, and not have a care it the world.

"i actually would love to" 

"okay, i think i can drop them in either 50 minutes, an hour or somewhere between that" she says while walking back to her apartment 


"hi, i would love to do some small talk right now but if i take 5 more minutes im late to work, but i hope you enjoy the brownies. and i also put on some chocolate chips on some of the brownies, but i also left some without them because i dotn really know if you like them or not" she said really fast as i opened the door giving me a box with what i think so are the brownies inside of it.

"hi, thanks, and dont worry i like them" i say as she walks/runs away in direction of the elevator "i hope your not late to work!" i tell her as she walks inside of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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