Unexpected Bumps | L.W

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context: you and leah bump into each other, you recognized her but you didnt tell her until a month after

words: 728 



i was walking down a street in the center of london trying to not touch the lines on the sidewalk . i know it sounds childish but it's just in any some sort of way being a kind of routine for whenever im walking.

i was walking on a street were there was no movement at all so i stopped for a little because i saw i kitten on the floor, it didnt look older than one week or two. i just bent down next to the kitten to pick it up, but just as I was almost fully up i feel a body crashing onto mine, and also noticing a phone falling to the floor, and the kitten almost slipping out of my hands.

"shit! im sorry" the person said as grabbing the phone from the floor.

"dont worry, i was the one on the floor and then getting up without looking if someone was coming" i said as she was looking my way 'No. Fucking. Way! Fucking Leah Williamson! Y/N, try and keep it cool, you dont wanna neither make her uncomfortable or her to think youre kind of rude' i just go with it and act like i dont recognize her.

"i was actually more of my fault i just looked up once and i didnt even looked right and then just went back to lock at my phone... but im not mad at my decicions, because then i wouldnt bumped onto you" the last sentence she said it i a ¿flirtatious way? wouldnt really know how to describe it but I am sure that I am bright red right know.

"okay, im not mad either. I bumped onto something beautiful actually" I said now making her blush.

"thanks for the compliment, but dont you think is too soon?" she asks with 'funny' tone.

"I actually wasnt talking about you. I was taliking about the kitten " i said pausing while pointing at the kitten "but if it makes you feel good. You are beautiful too." 

"ooohh" she says while laughing "its a really beautiful kitten though" and she says now nodding  her head staring to say something else "wait, i dont think i got your name, I'm leah"

"no, you didnt because i didnt told you my name, I'm Y/N"

"so... i dont think i got your number neither" she says now smirking at me 

"smooth Leah, really smooth. now get your phone out and save my number" i said and started telling her my number as she had her phone out .

"so I'll text you later?" she asked me

"sure" i said as i nodded my head.

"okay, bye!" she said as she started to walk away.



I've been going out with leah for over month, today we were out sitting on the beach talking about random stuff. Now we were talking about which sleeping poses are the most comfortable, until she stopped talking.

i looked over at her  "is there something wrong?" I asked her with a confused look.

"I've got something to tell you" she pauses but i gesture her to keep talking " ¿I'm a professional footballer?" she says while looking away.

" I know, but why sounding so unsure?" i asked looking at her way

" I thought you would get mad or something because us going out for over a month and me not telling you" she made a quick stop "since when do you know?" she know asked

"since like a year I think" I answering her question

"why didnt you tell me!" 

"dont know, didnt want to make you uncomfortable when we bumped" I answered her while looking at her eyes.

"you wouldnt have made me uncomfortable" she says as getting closer to me looking at my lips.

"well, we both were wrong at the end" i said now getting much closer, our noses were only five centimeters (two inches) away.

"yeah" she said slowly " can I kiss you?" she asked  with hint of nervousness on her voice I just nodded my head.

she slowly got closer to me and the ¡bum! we kissed. It was soft and tender, it feels like a dream. I can feel the brush of the butterflies on my stomach as she puts her hands on my cheek as i pull her closer if even possible

as we pull off from the kiss because of air shortage "that was amazing" she says while smiling.

"it really was" i said smiling back at her.



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