rainy day | J.R

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context: you and Jill go out to your backyard while it's raining to have fun.




"Jill, Jill, Jill. it's raining outside!" I start saying exitedly to jill whose still sleeping.

"Y/N, we are in england, it literally rains at least every week here" jill answers me with obvious tone while rolling her eyes

"I know, but the rain from past days was the kind that barely got you wet. this one from far you can tell that is the kind that you just step outside for a second and you are already soaking wet" as i see that she want to argue about it I start talking again. "can we please go outside? just a couple of minutes"

"okay. let's go outside, but first put at least some sweats on. you cant go outside in just shorts" Jill says while getting out of bed and grabimg a hoodie from the chair in the corner to put it on and while she does that i go to my room and put some sweats.

"Im ready!" i tell her while im going down stairs to the backyard

"okay, I'll be down in a few!"


"that was fun" I say giggling while lying on top of Jill's chest.

"jill, can we play something? " i asked her while i stop spining because i was bored of it.

"sure, what are you thinking about?" I strat thinking about something we can do and I somewhat end up thinking about from when i was kid and what i use to play at school at the recess.

"I know! Jill, catch me" I say while running from her while she's trying to catch me.

"Ja, you cant catch me, you cant catch me" I say while giggling, or until i felt my body touch the wet grass.

"you were saying?" Jill says while offering her hand to help get up.

"Thats not fair! you cant tackle me" i say while crossing my arms bringing them up to my chest.

"you never said that i couldn't tackle you, so it is fair. you are such sore loser" Jill say with a obvious tone while i roll my ayes at her.

"Oooh. did you just rolled your eyes at me?" Jill asked me while she lifted a brow.

"Noooo, why would I?"

Last thing i see is Jill sitting on the floor throwing me on top of her.

"Jill, why would you do that?" i say looking up at her and giving her lips a peck.

"dont know, impulsive thought?" Jill says while giving my lips a peck. "

" yeah, it was really fun, but it already stop raining and we'll might catch a cold if we spend more time in these clothes" I just replie with a 'yeah' "let's go get a warm shower and then we can come and watch the sunset"

"Okay. I like that idea, c'mon let's get going the sunset is happeing in about forty-five minutes if im not wrong" I say while getting up and also helping her to get up an then gping to the inside of the house.



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