"Minnie can you come to my house after school today? I'm not going to be here for lunch I'm doing outdoor lunch today with my friends."

"Possibly, but stop talking in class and do your work. I know you have good grades but you still need to pay attention." He chuckled again.

Maybe I was acting like a concerned mom or maybe I just wanted him to do good. Who cares?

-Time skip to Lunch Period-

"Ugh, you don't know how tiring history was. I seriously don't get it. Why do we need history if we're never going back in time to see it?" Jisung complained.

"Because if we don't know history then we won't know what's happening today." I said.

"I'm not following here."

"History is important because without it, things that have happened today won't have the actual meaning to it. Everything has a purpose."

"Makes enough sense." Felix said.

"Where's the guys? Jeongin is sitting alone." Jisung asked.

"They're out somewhere for lunch today. Let's go sit with him." I dragged them both over to the empty table and we sat down with him.

"Hey innie!" I greeted him, he smiled.

"Innie? Is that my new nickname? Hi guys." He greeted back.

"Yep. I'm going to call you innie now." I nodded.

"Why are you sitting here alone innie?" Felix asked.

"I had no one to sit with, this is my first day but I told my brother that he could go with his friends and that I could be okay."

"Now you have have friends to sit with everyday, don't worry innie we will take you under our wing." He laughed.

I liked innie, he seemed like a good person to be around. Maybe he can become a new edition to our friend group.

"So innie, where are you from?" Jisung asked.

"I'm fully Korean but I'm from California. I lived with my mom in America."

"That's cool."

"Wait so innie you lived with your mom? What about your dad.?" Felix asked.

I hit his arm, "Lix, that's a sensitive topic! Apologize."

"Oh I'm sorry innie my curiosity got the best of me." Jeongin giggled.

"No worries, I lived with my mom because she wanted to start a new family. My Mom and Dad's relationship wasn't the best so they broke it off."

From what Hyunjin told me it sounded horrible, but from what Jeongin said and described how it was it doesn't seem that bad. After all, not all relationships work out.

"How was it like living in the U.S?"

"It was really nice but, the people there are really harsh. They have a lot of good restaurants and shops there. California is a really busy city so everywhere you go there's people."

"Did you ever see the Jam Republic company? Oh gosh I'm getting really excited." Jisung asked.

"Hannie you take your music thing to seriously. We all know that we won't end up having a music group so stop trying." Felix said.

Jisung pouted, "Atleast let me fantasize about my dream!"

"I haven't gotten inside the company but I have seen it in person. It's huge and there's a bunch of celebrities there."

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