Chapter 6

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Kook was sitting at the dining table waiting for tae to serve him food.

He frowned when he did not felt tae's presence near him. He immediately stand up from his seat when he saw someone else was serving him instead of tae.

He glared at that person who shivered in fear.

Kook: "Why are you serving me, you ugly shit", shout angry.

Anna: "Sir----

Kook: "Shut up", yelled.

Kook roamed his eyes all around the place but he didn't find any trace of tae.

At last he looks at Mrs. Lee who was standing with the rest of the maids.

Kook: "Mrs, Lee where is taehyung?. You know I don't like when someone else serves me other than him", asked coldly.

Mrs. Lee: "Mr. Jeon actually-----

Only then another maid comes infront of kook with her face fully covered with makeup.

Lia: "Mr. Jeon he must be sleeping. You know he is very lazy, he didn't do any work rather than sleeping. I suggest you take my advice and fired him", bitchy tone.

Kook: "You are?", glared at her.

Lia: "Mr. Jeon, I am the new maid. I just joined today", smiling widely thinking kook must be impressed by her.

Kook: "Hmm, you are fired. So pack your bags and get out of here.", blank face.

He was about to go but then he remembered something.

Kook: "Oh but you have come today so your bag will be already packed. Right?. So pick it up and get out of my house right now with your ugly face", smirk.

With that he walk away from there leaving lia alone there who was still in shocked about what happened just now.


Kook slowly entered inside tae's room and saw him sleeping with a cute pout on his adorable face.

He smiles and made his way towards him.

Kook: "Such a cutie", softly chuckled.

He kissed his forehead and softly caressed his cheeks.

Kook: "You know what my baby, you have become my habit. I can't live even a moment without seeing you. I don't know what happened to me. I was not like this before, you have completely changed me, my baby. But you know I am so happy that someone is capable of melting my stone heart", says with so much emotions in his voice.

He was looking at tae with his soft bambi eyes.

Kook: "I must go now, sleep well Baby", peck tae's nose.

He looks at him for some time and unwillingly he slowly walks away.


Tae slowly opened his and sat up on his bed. He looked at the clock and his eyes widened looking at the time. Its already afternoon.

Tae: "Shit, How can I sleep so long?".

He quickly rushed to the bathroom. After some time he came out and immediately went outside.

He was about to go to the kitchen when Mrs. Lee stopped him.

Mrs. Lee: "Tae, you woke up".

Tae: "Yes aunt, I don't know how I slept so long", small smile.

Mrs. Lee: "It's okay tae", smile.

Tae: "Hmm but You should have woken me up", pout.

Mrs. Lee: "If I woke you up then probably I wouldn't be here" muttered under her breath.

Tae: "What?", confused.

Mrs. Lee: "Nothing", nervously smiling.

Tae smiles at her then he remembered something.

Tae: "Aunt, does Mr. Jeon say something?", asked nervously.

Mrs. Lee: "No he doesn't say anything".

Tae signed in relief and nodes at her.

Mrs. Lee: "Actually he".

Tae: "He what?".

Mrs. Lee: "You know na you are the only one who serves him food?", asked softly.

Tae: "Yes, so?", asked impatiently.

Mrs. Lee: "He doesn't eat breakfast in the morning and the problem is he doesn't even eat outside food".

Tae: "What, he didn't eat anything", asked worried.

Mrs. Lee shakes her head making tae more worried about kook. Then Mrs. Lee leaves when someone calls her leaving a concerned tae alone there.


Kook was in his cabin doing his work with full concentration. Only then heard knock on his door.

Kook: "Come in".

Jack: "Good afternoon Mr. Jeon", kook's secretary says while bowing.

Kook nodes without taking his eyes off from his work.

Jack: "Mr. Jeon, someone has come from the mansion".

Kook: "Who", uninterested.

Jack: "Kim taehyung".

That's it upon hearing his precious name from jack's mouth. His hands stopped working. His eyes sparkled. He immediately looks at jack who already knows that his answer must be no but to his surprise kook says something opposite.

Kook: "Bring him inside, fast", demands impatiently.

Jack nodes and immediately rushed out leaving kook alone who was unable to control his happiness.

*Knock Knock*

Kook: "Come in", says hurriedly.

Tae nervously walked towards kook who was intensely looking at him without blinking his eyes.

Tae: "Good afternoon sir".

Kook hummed without blinking his eyes even for a second as according to him he didn't want to waste his time blinking his eyes. He wanted to capture tae's beauty in his eyes.

Tae cleared his throat making kook come out of his dreaming land.

Tae: "I have brought lunch for you as I came to know you haven't eaten anything in the morning", concerned.

Kook heart melt seeing his concern. It was the first time when someone was
concerned about him.

Tae: "Sir?", Calls him when he sees kook was zoning out.

Kook looks at him with a look of softness.

Kook: "Feed me".

Tae: "Huh what?".

Kook: "You have brought food for me, Right? So it is not your duty to feed me?", smirk.

Tae only cutely looks at him not knowing what to say. Kook internally cooed at his precious.

Kook: "What are you waiting for?.
Feed me na, I am so hungry", sad.

Tae quickly nods and both sat down on the couch.

Tae slowly started feeding kook with his own hand who was was only lovingly looking at him with a smile.

He was just feeding him when kook starts to cough. Tae immediately makes him drink water while pating his back who slowly gulp down while looking into tae's worried eyes.

He again forwards his hand towards kook to feed him but kook softly holds his hand and turns it towards his mouth. Kook motioned him to eat with his eyes. Tae smiles at him and slowly eats.

After that kook starts feeding tae who was fondly looking at him with a sweet smile decorating on his face.


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