Chapter 21

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Kook paced back and forth anxiously, phone pressed to his ear as it rang and rang with no answer. He'd lost count of how many times he'd tried calling Taehyung over the past hour.

Kook: "Come on, precious. Where are you?" he muttered under his breath, chewing on his lip worriedly.

Taehyung had gone out to buy something for the meal he will be preparing for kook at night. Kook insisted he will go with tae but tae declined and told him to stayed behind at home to get some rest before his meeting the next day.

But that had been over three hours ago and kook was starting to worry.

Just as he went to call Tae again, kook's phone started ringing with an unknown number. His brow furrowed as he swiped to answer.

Kook: "Hello?"

??: "Is this Jeon Jungkook?" An male voice responded.

Kook: "Y-Yes, speaking..."

There was a pause that felt like an eternity before the man continued in a solemn tone.

??: "Mr. Jeon, this is Seoul Hospital. I'm afraid we have your boyfriend Kim Taehyung admitted in critical condition from a car accident. You need to come right away."

The phone slipped from Jungkook's trembling hand, clattering to the floor as the color drained from his face. This couldn't be happening...not to his precious. He blinked hard, struggling to catch his breath

??: Hello? Mr. Jeon? Is anyone there?", the tinny voice could be heard coming through the speaker.

Jungkook blinked hard, his vision blurring with hot tears as he struggled to catch his breath. With shaky motions, he crouched down to retrieve the phone, bringing it back to his ear.

Kook: "Y-Yes...I'll be r-right there!" His voice cracked before the line went dead.

He ran like a madman towards his car. His heart was positively pounding out of his chest the entire frenzied ride over.

Tae couldn't be hurt...not his babybear, his sweet, precious love. He didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to his precious. He will die without him. Tears burned in Jungkook's eyes but he angrily blinked them away, trying to keep himself together.

When he got to the hospital, Jungkook burst through the front doors in a frenzy.

Kook: "Kim Taehyung! Where is he? I need to see him now!" He shouted desperately at the first nurse he saw.

The nurse looked shocked but clearly recognized him.

Nurse: "O-Oh Mr. Jeon, yes, right this way."

She led Jungkook swiftly to the intensive care unit, rambling solemn details about the accident that Jungkook barely heard through the ringing in his ears. His focus was only on getting to his precious.

Finally, they reached a private room and the nurse gestured inside.

Nurse: "He's just through there..."

Jungkook shoved his way in, an anguished cry escaping his lips at the sight before him.

Kook: "Precious".

Taehyung was lying unnaturally still in the hospital bed, eyes closed and face badly bruised. Various wires and tubes were hooking him up to an array of beeping machines tracking his vitals.

Jungkook rushed to the bedside, grasping Taehyung's hand tightly in his own as hot tears streamed down his cheeks. It was limp and lacked its usual warmth.

Kook: "Baby, can you hear me? Please, open your eyes! Precious!", kook pleaded, voice cracking.

"It's me, Koo. I'm here, sweetheart. Please, you have to wake up!" pressed desperate kisses to Taehyung's knuckles.

Taehyung didn't stir, the steady beeping rhythm of the heart monitor the only sound filling Jungkook's ears.

Kook: ", please god, don't take him from me!" kook cried, cradling Tae's hand against his cheek as fat tears rolled down unchecked.

"Precious, you have to wake up! I-I can't...I can't live without you, baby. Please, I'm begging you!"

He called out again and again to the unconscious man as the hours ticked by, voice growing more hoarse and cracked from the strain of his wails. Each time Taehyung remained deathly still, Jungkook felt his heart shatter a little more.

Kook: "You won't talk to me baby?. Just say something...anything. Please." he whispered brokenly, lips brushing against Tae's pale skin with each word.

Jungkook let out a shaky whimper, shoulders shaking as he wept beside the man he loved more than life itself.

Kook: "Precious...d-don't leave me, okay or else I will die without you." He whispered hoarsely, leaning over to press his forehead against Tae's as his tears dripped onto the stark white sheets.

"You promised me you will never leave me, right? I can't...I can't live without you baby. I need you here with me."

The hours ticked by in agonizing silence, the only sound Jungkook's soft pleas and the faint, incessant beeping of the machines. No matter how much he cried and called out to Taehyung with a broken voice, Tae wouldn't stir or even flutter an eyelash.

Jungkook lost track of how long he laid slumped over beside the bed, clinging to Tae's warmth desperately as tears leaked from the corners of his swollen eyes. He watched the shallow rise and fall of Tae's chest like a hawk, soft lips brushing against heated skin with each mumbled prayer.

Kook: "You're my everything, whole reason for living and breathing, don't you dare give up on me," his rasped, voice hoarse and cracked from the strain of his sobbing and pleas.

"Please wake up baby. I'll die without you here..."

Then, as the first golden rays of dawn began filtering through the window, Jungkook felt the faintest twitch against his cheek. His head shot up to see Taehyung's eyelids fluttering slowly open, dark lashes fanning out in a dazed struggle against the harsh lights.

Kook: "Precious", kook rasped, tears burning behind his eyes as he gathered Tae's hand in both of his own and leaned in close.

"It's Koo, baby...I'm right here."

Tae's brow furrowed, eyes struggling to focus as his chapped lips parted with visible effort.

Tae: "K--koo..." he whispered, voice barely audible.

"I...I love you, baby. But I'm s-so sorry...can't keep my promise to stay with you forever."

"Don't cry Okay?", wiping kook's tears with a weak smile.

Jungkook listened to the steady beeping of the heart monitor, realizing what Taehyung was trying to convey. Panic surged through him as he shook his head vigorously, holding onto Tae's face tightly with his trembling hands..

Kook: ", don't you dare give up on me, Kim Taehyung!" He choked out, voice cracking on a sob as fresh tears poured down his cheeks.

"You have to keep fighting, baby! I c-can't lose you... Please. I will die with you!" gripping Tae's face in both trembling hands

As Jungkook spoke, the room was filled with the continuous beeping sound of a flatline. Kook felt the world stop spinning, his entire body going numb as he watched Tae's eyes slowly flutter shut and his head loll lifelessly to the side.

Jungkook felt like all the air had been sucked from his lungs, his entire world crashing down around him in anguished pieces.

Kook: "TAEHYUNG!" The scream ripped from deep within Jungkook's shattered soul as he shook Tae's lifeless body, pulling him flush against his heaving chest as anguished sobs wracked his frame.

"Wake up precious. Come back...come back to me, baby!" He screamed again and again until his voice was hoarse and ruined, sobs wracking his frame as endless tears soaked Taehyung's limp face.


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