Chapter 20

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Kook decided to walk to the nearby store to buy something special for his precious. He didn't take car with him as the store was not too far away.

As Kook was leaving the store, bag of goodies in hand, the skies opened up and rain started pouring down heavily.

Kook: "Ah, shoot!", he cursed under his breath.

But kook didn't even hesitate. He pulled his jacket up over his head and took off running through the sheets of rain, determined to get home to his precious as quickly as possible. He didn't care about getting drenched - all that mattered was being by his precious side.

By the time Kook made it back to their place, he was shivering and drenched, his clothes clinging to his skin.

He had a huge bunny smile when he saw Tae sitting on the couch. Tae looked up, startled by Kook's dripping wet appearance.

Tae: "Koo! Oh my god, what happened?", he immediately jumped up to rush to his kook side.

"You're completely soaked, baby! And you're shivering..."

Kook tried to give him a reassuring smile, but his violent trembles made it look more like a grimace.

Kook: "W-Went to g-get your favourite snacks ," he stammered through chattering teeth, lifting the miraculously dry bag with a proud grin.

Shaking his head fondly, Tae pressed a warm kiss on Kook's cold cheek who smile widely.

Tae: "You silly baby. Why didn't you just wait for the rain to stop, hah?", he grabbed a towel, gently patting at Kook's dripping hair and face.

Kook blinked up at Tae with his big bambi eyes, raindrops clinging to his lashes.

Kook: "W-Wanted to be with you, precious," he said in a tiny voice, teeth chattering violently.

Tae is unable to scold his koo further when faced with such blunt sweetness, Tae just pulled Kook into his arms, hugging his shivering form tightly. He rained warm kisses across Kook's rain-chilled face.

Tae: "Oh'll make yourself sick, my love".

He gathered Kook into his arms, leading him into their room.

Stripping off Kook's drenched clothes, Tae quickly led him to the bathroom and started the shower. With the steam rising, Tae helped Kook out of his soaked underwear and brought him under the warm water. Kook shivered and whimpered, immediately pressing against Tae and seeking his body heat.

Tae: "I've got you, baby boy," he murmured, wrapping his arms securely around the slight frame. He pressed tender kisses to the top of Kook's damp hair as his free hand rubbed soothing circles across the tense back.

Once Kook was no longer shaking uncontrollably from cold, Tae carefully washed every inch of his precious boy's body with gentle strokes of a soft loofah. He took his time, handling Kook like he was the most delicate, fragile thing.

Once Kook was clean, Tae dried him off with a fluffy towel before dressing him in cozy pajamas.

He scooped kook into his arms again, cradling him close as he carried him to the bedroom. Tae gently placed Kook onto the bed, but as soon as he went to pull away, Kook latched on him desperately.

Kook: "No, don't go," He whimpered, holding onto Tae tightly as he shivered violently. His teeth chattered as he tried to get even closer to Tae's warmth.

Tae: "Never, my love. I'm not going anywhere." he placed tender kisses across Kook's flushed features - his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his cute button nose.

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