chapter seven

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Diamond's P.O.V
We have been in the hospital for an hour now... And yeah. I'm in labor at FIVE AND A HALF MONTHS! I'm dilated and I'm about to start pushing... "Alright Diamond I need you to start to push. She isn't waiting any longer" my doctor tells me "you got this princess" Luke says. I begin to push and push for four hours and I think I broke Luke's hand... Oops. The doctor lets Luke cut the cord. He looked so happy. Now I'm laying in the bed and groan... "What's wrong?" Luke asks. "I don't have a name for her" "you don't have to but what about Austin? My mom was gonna name my brother that if he was a girl..." "It is perfect!" Did I mention that I did break Luke's hand. Cause I broke it in two places. The nurse came in with the birth certificate and we sign it and I neatly write Austin Moon Martin. Three weeks later Luke is Wheeling me and Austin to his car with his casted hand... And it hit me Luke is Austin's dad. Wow. Austin is 3 pounds 12 oz. And was born two and a half months early. But they did tests and she is healthy. The doctor said I went into labor because I became stressed... Thanks Steven. Note sarcasm....

Hey guys... I hope you guys are enjoying the story... I love writing it... Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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