chapter five

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A.n. sorry guys I know it has been a while... I'm back and I'm going to update more love you guys! Enjoy!!

Diamond's P.O.V
It has been a week since me and Luke kissed... We haven't talked much. I miss our conversations. Well me and Steven are the only ones home... Literally. I am not leaving my room.... He scares me. Knock knock knock. I jumped at the sudden noise "baby let me in!" Steven shouted at the door "I'm not your baby and I don't like you so go away!" I shouted. Then he broke. The. Door. Down. "What the jack Steven!" He just walked towards me and grabbed my waist... "Hey sexy" he slurred... Great he was drunk... "Get away from me you douche bag!" And he slapped me... Hard... Three times in a row "you don't talk to me like that bitch!" And he proceeded to punch me until I could barely stand... "WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD STEVEN?!???!" I heard Luke yell and Steven was thrown and Luke landed next to my half conscious body... " I'm so sorry... I wasn't here to protect you... Please stay with me princess... Oh God." He babbled on... "It... Isn't your fault.... L-luke..." I mumbled before I fell unconscious in my Prince's arms.

I know said chapter but cute ending right? Anyway I'll update again soon. I love you guys!

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