My Precious Queen

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Sasuke POV...

After hearing what he had said, the beautiful blonde he was holding began to protest. 

hehe... Guess I have to quiet my little fox~

Sasuke leaned down and stared into Naruto's eyes, drinking in every detail.

His eyes are the most beautiful blue I have ever seen... They shine brighter than any gemstone... Yes, I want HIM as my bride.

Sasuke leaned down towards Naruto once more. He saw his fox's eyes widen even more. Sasuke smirked, then he crashed his lips against the blonde's.

He noticed that Naruto was no longer struggling so Sasuke began walking. He moved with ease through the palace that he called his home, until he reached two huge mahogany doors. He nodded to the guards before gently kicking the doors open.

In the room was a large bed, several paintings, and many different kinds of extremely expensive pieces of decor. And in the center of the bed was his aniki Itachi, the Grand Emperor of the Uchiha Empire. 

"Sasuke! What a pleasant surprise!" Itachi welcomed.

Sasuke smiled softly towards his older brother. Sasuke truly cared about his older brother and he hated the thought of taking his place one day. 

Itachi had been sick for years, ever since Sasuke was a kid. They had tried all of the greatest doctors in the kingdom, but no one had a cure. He was going to die soon, and the thought broke Sasuke's heart. But that isn't the reason why Sasuke was here today.

"Aniki, I want you to meet Naruto. I have chosen him to be my bride." He angled his body more towards the light so that Itachi could see Naruto better.

Itachi's eyes widened in shock, his body gone rigid. 

"...What? What did you just say otouto?" Itachi questioned.

Sasuke patiently repeated, "I said that I have chosen to wed Naruto, he shall be my bride." Sasuke looked at Naruto and saw the blush that was beginning to creep up his little fox's face.


Looking away from his fox, Sasuke turned his attention back towards Itachi who had now snapped out of his shock and was now looking at the blonde in Sasuke's arms with a look of complete bewilderment.

Sasuke noticed that Naruto had started shaking, so he squeezed Naruto a little to gain his attention.

"Don't worry my kitsune~, this may be the emperor, but he is also my older brother. He won't hurt you." 

The little blonde looked straight into Sasuke's eyes before silently nodding and curling his body into Sasuke's. 

"What is going on Sasuke?!" Itachi yelled out of nowhere.

Both Naruto and Sasuke flinched from the harsh tone that Itachi was using. It took Sasuke a moment to collect himself. He stood proud and defended his blonde, "What is the matter Itachi? Aren't you happy for me?"

Sasuke saw his brother flinch. He never called Itachi by his name unless he was angry with him. 

Itachi calmed himself before replying, "It's not that I'm unhappy for you Sasuke, it's just that this is so sudden! Are you sure that you want this young man to be your bride?" 

Sasuke had his answer ready, "I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life."

Itachi stared at his brother for a minute before smiling. "Well then, we will announce your engage mentality to Naruto during tomorrow's dinner. In the mean time, why don't you spend some time with your bride-to-be?" Itachi teased.

Sasuke and Naruto both blushed red and Itachi smirked at them.

Sasuke adjusted his grip around Naruto before bidding farewell to his brother.

Once they were a good distance away from Itachi's room, Naruto spoke up, "Why are you doing this?"

Sasuke stopped walking before giving his full attention to his fox. "What do you mean my kitsune?" He questioned.

He saw Naruto blushed before he composed himself. "Why would you want to marry a demon like me? Why would you choose someone as horrifying as me?" 

Sasuke's blood ran cold and his eyes shifted from onyx to blood red. "...who has said these lies to you?"

Sasuke saw Naruto begin to fidget with his hands, he was about to press Naruto to answer him when his fox spoke, "The villagers at my old village... They all told me that I was a monster and that no one could ever love something as hideous as me..." Naruto looked down and Sasuke knew that he was trying to hide his tears. 

"Naruto, look at me." Naruto refused to look up, "My love please... Look at me, look me in the eyes and tell me if any of those words they have said are true."

Naruto had stiffened after hearing Sasuke call him 'my love' but he did look at him. 

Sasuke knew what Naruto would see, he would see all of the overwhelming love Sasuke has for him, he would see Sasuke's hidden urge to hide Naruto away from the world, and he would see how desperate Sasuke is to protect him.

Sasuke knew that Naruto had seen how he felt in his eyes when his blonde smiled an enormous and genuine smile and his kitsune broke down in tears. But Sasuke didn't freak out over his kitsune's sobs. He knew that these weren't tears of sadness, for they were tears of joy, for his fiancee had finally realized that he had found someone who truly loved him.

Sasuke put Naruto's legs on the floor so that he could give his love a hug, when Naruto leaped into Sasuke's chest and wrapped his arms tightly around the raven's neck. The tiny blonde then rested his head against the nape of Sasuke's neck. Sasuke could feel his little love's tears beginning to run down his neck.

Sasuke wrapped his arms tightly around his little fox and buried his head into Naruto's soft hair.

"Don't worry my love, for you shall never have to know the hatred of others as long as you stay by my side."

Naruto pulled back slightly before looking up into Sasuke's eyes, "I'm not going anywhere," he paused, "teme."

Then Naruto grabbed the back of Sasuke's hair and crashed their lips together.

Sasuke smirked into the kiss and his heart was filled with a joy he had not felt in a long time, "I love you my precious queen, and I will never let you go, ever." 

They kissed a third time before holding each other as tight as mortally possible.

This might just be the greatest decision I will ever make.

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