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Once Kakashi and his soldiers returned to the palace, he handed Naruto over to the harem's caretakers. But before he left he gave the caretakers a warning about the blonde's behavior.

"Thank you for the warning Kakashi, but I wouldn't worry. We have dealt with many concubines that have acted with the same aggression as this young one, we have learned how to calm them." The main caretaker said.

Kakashi sighed, "I trust you Ms. Mira, but I still advise to use caution."

Mira scoffed before shooing the guards and the general away.

Naruto awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun on his skin. 

He smiled, eyes still closed. "Man, that was a nightmare!" 

Naruto yawned and sat up. Then he opened his eyes and recoiled in shock.

It wasn't a dream?!

The room he had opened his eyes to wasn't from the rundown shed he called home, this room screamed wealth and elegance! Everything looked as if it had been polished 100 times and the closet looked like it was made of the finest, smoothest wood in the world! There was a handcrafted desk on the left of the room and the closet was positioned on the right, there was a door beside the closet that Naruto could only guess went to the bathroom. And the bed... Oh the bed was so soft, Naruto felt like he was laying on a cloud! 

Naruto began to ogle at the many porcelain decorations when the sound of the door opening echoed in Naruto's ears.

His head snapped towards the door where he saw an old woman smiling at him gently. 

"Good morning young man!" She said, "My name is Mira, and I am the head caretaker of the harem."

Naruto froze. Did she just say harem?

He could see the woman's lips moving but he couldn't make out what she was saying, he felt like the world had just come crashing down on him.

Panic and fear began to rise in Naruto's chest.

No no no no no no no no no...

The fear had managed to worm itself into Naruto's mind. Losing the ability to rationally think, Naruto bolted. 

He saw the woman try to grab him when he ran towards the door, but he managed to slip past her. His heart was beating loudly in his ears and he could barely hear anything else.

Naruto ran for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. He felt like his lungs were going to cave in on themselves but he still kept running. He couldn't stop. 

Then he turned the corner and—


Naruto had accidentally ran into someone and fallen over. 

When Naruto opened his eyes he faintly processed that everything was blurry. He blinked until his vision came back into focus, that's when he noticed the person that he had run into.

This MAN was at least two heads taller than Naruto and was adorned in a thick cloak and pristine black and blue clothes. Naruto could tell just by his clothes that this man was extremely wealthy. Then Naruto looked up at the man's face. He barely noticed the large ruby in the circlet around that man's head. What he did notice was how FORBIDDENLY HANDSOME this man was! 

How can someone be this beautiful?!

The stranger had pale skin and raven blue hair that spiked in the back. His face was smooth and unblemished. Then Naruto's eyes met his, and the world seemed to freeze. 

Deep onyx eyes stared right into Naruto's cerulean blue and widened.

Then the beautiful stranger spoke with a voice that could only be described as silk, "Who are you?"

"My names Naruto... Who are you?"

The raven haired man smirked before saying, "I am Sasuke Uchiha, the Crown Prince of the Uchiha Empire."

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