Reu " she has all the rights to be here"

Elder " yes y/n is allowed to come here as she is Tipa and Lue successor"

Tshiak " that most be a lie she will be a future tshaik"

Leu " yes she will rule after me when the times comes as my mother and moat have deemed it right"

Elder 2 " questioning the actions of other tshaiks is seen as something disrespectful and dishonorable, do you wish to bring shame to your families and clans" it seems like the elders words had gotten to everyone as the tshaik seem to stop complaining and becomes very silent.

Neytiri " daughter it will be good to spend some time with you today as I heard you had, you had a wonderful time with your father and siblings yesterday"

Y/n " yes let's hope this day will be eventful"

Neytiri " I hope I can use this time to get to know you better and from a mother and daughter bond"

Reu " it good to have hope neytiri now come on we don't have all day"

Ronal " you are starting to have the same personality as olo'eythan Ziuo" Reu didn't say anything as she looked at ronal she seem very mad at the moment.

Reu " don't you dare insult my mate ronal" ronal had taken a step back as Reu was looked at ronal with angry in her eyes, it seems like a fight was about to start between the two.

Tsireya " I'm sorry for my mother she meant no harm"

Y/n " Reu it will be the best if we don't start any fights right now"

Reu " I will respect these young girl's decisions and words to keep you safe for now ronal, but on more word against Ziuo then we will have bigger problems then we thought and speak poorly against my son or y/n nothing will be good" Reu soon turned around and walked away from ronal, soom the group had took breaths in and out before they went towards the sprit tree.

Tsireya " wow this place is so amazing and beautiful"

Kiri " the tree are so wonderful and beautiful, they glow so brightly"

Elder 3 " they glow brightly signal as the great mother is watching" soon whispers had been heard tsireya and kiri, were looking around and soon saw you standing there. Holding out your hands as some wood spirts were floating around you, even some of them spinning around you.

Kiri " wow they really seem to like you"

Y/n " yes they do come here and stand still, holing your your arms and breathing calmly" Kiro and tsireya soon came towards you, and followed your orders and soon some spirits had come towards them. Making both girls laugh at everything that was going on.

Kiri " wow sister you are something special"

Y/n " thank you but we are all special in our own ways"

Tsireya " for some reason they all seem to like you the most"

Elder 4 " this has happen since she was a baby"

Reu " oh yes I remember when a one landed on his nose when she was baby, and the other floats around her it was amazing"

Elder 5 " oh yes I remember that it had been something that was not seen until now"

Tipa " remember when she had her first connection with the great mother"

Leu " oh yes that day all the tree had light but and glowed brightly as she made her connection"

Neytiri " that sounds amazing"

Leu " yes I would of been good if you were there but you were not" leu had given a smug look towards neytiri it was hard to believe they were once best friends as now they seem to hate each other. None of the three girls seem to know why the two women seem to have so much tension between each other.

Kiri " what the matter with them"

Y/n " I don't know"

Tipa " don't mind them young ladies it will be okay" the three girls had soon nodded their heads and went towards one of the trees that was the biggest tree.

Y/n " this is where we come to pray to the great mother as a whole clan and where we bring the babies to make their first connection" you had placed your hands on the tree tuck getting and it seems like the tree started glowing brighter as well, bring smiles to kiri and Tsireya face.

Y/n " if I force enough it feels like I'm closer to the great mother and I can hear her as well ... I know this might sound like I'm crazy"

Kiri " you are not crazy I feel the same way as well" you soon smile toward kiri soon removing your hands as you started looking around at everything around you.

Y/n " this is my home and I will do anything to defend it from harm, the beauty and wonder of this place should not be destroyed or taken granted of by anyone"

Tsireya " you home is beautiful"

Y/n " everything about pandora is beautiful"

Kiri " you are right sister and it starting to seem like everyone started to regret what they thought about you, as it seems like you are blessed by eywa and not an bad omen after all"

Y/n " thank you sister" the tshiaks were so amazed by you as you are humming a song and dancing around, you have a beautiful signing voice as you dance around having a good time as the wood spirts follow your movements. You soon started dancing with kiri and tisreya as all three girls are enjoying their time together. Mo'at ans Tipa could see you will be a goof tshaik and so will kiri and tsireya as all three girls seem to have their own special connection with the great mother. It seems like everyone was staring to see you as something good but it was happening slowly as they were still follow his misguidance verse fully trusting you. It might take some more works from the great mother to get others to understand you after all, but it was going to take longer for Jake and neytiri to ever have a family bond with you after all the pain that had been done over the years.

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